TOEFL Writing: Academic Discussion


  1. Make a new opinion and support it
  2. Make comments on other students’ opinions

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Condensed Strategy Review Part 1 (Quickly Explained)


  1. 表达清楚自己观点。每一段只说一个观点,观点充分论证展开,避免模糊不清。
  2. 观点论证逻辑链条要清晰,使用适当的关系连接词。
  3. 有效参与
    1. 不重复
    2. 尊重对方
    3. 深入话题分析
    4. 提出质疑
    5. 提供有效证据
    6. 有明确观点或结论


  • 话题背景
  • 问题


  • 讨论对象
  • 限定范围
  • 话题内容
  • 题型判定



Water pollution, an urgent and pressing environmental issue, is a result of factories releasing toxic wastewater into rivers and citizens irresponsibly disposing of plastics and other harmful objects into lakes.

This viewpoint aligns with Andrew’s belief that …

From my perspective, it is a better idea for new businesses to hire fresh graduates.


While Claire pointed out the valuable knowledge that experienced employees may bring, she failed to acknowledge the possibility that they might be set in their ways and rely on outdated methods.


  • For example
  • For instance
  • To be specific/Specifically
  • On the other hand
  • Moreover
  • Furthermore
  • As a result/consequently
  • To conclude
  • However
  • But

  • pointed out
  • argue
  • suggest
  • say


  • by doing, A can do …
  • are having a hard time doing
  • Doing A has negative influences on B
  • such as A, B, and C
  • such as A or B


  • significant
  • considerably significant

Time Management and Steps

  1. Analyze - Organize Ooutline: Take 1-2 minutes to analyze and outline your response.
  2. Write +100 Word Response under 7 minutes(perferable 130-180 words): Opinion + contribution
  3. Edit Your Response: Take 1 minute to edit. Scoring well involves your revealed grammar and lexical ability. More Corrections = Higher score


  • increase/encourage/improve/boost/promote/enhance/strengthen
  • reduce 减少/ diminish /hinder(阻碍)/ decrease
  • foster/nurture/cultivate/provides/offers 培养/提供/促进
  • gives advantage in …
  • eradicate 根除
  • affect / influence/have impacts on/impacts 影响
  • be beneficial to/ be harmful to
  • assist 帮助
  • protect/save
  • control/restrain
  • access/evaluate 评价,评估
  • come from/coming from
  • discharge/emit 排放
  • foster 促进,培养
  • impair 损害,削弱
  • destroy 破坏,毁灭
  • construct/build/establish 建立
  • benefit v/n 有利;利益
  • harm v/n 有害;损害
  • enable sb. to do sth
  • make sb. do sth/making it challenging to do sth.
  • suggest sb. doing sth.
  • instead of doing sth/ sth
  • help sb. do sth
  • sth offers sb. opportunities to do sth
  • relocate/move
  • attract
  • provide/providing
  • this could lead to/leading to
  • would be inclined to work/do
  • neglect 忽视
  • manage
  • require
  • focus on
  • urge 催促
  • fund v. 资助
  • depends on …
  • invest
  • pursue
  • empower people through education
  • make them feel responsible and capable
  • affect
  • cause
  • offer benefits to people
  • make informed decisions
  • engage in activities
  • Engaging in extracurricular activities gives students …
  • fulfilling needs
  • leading to
  • cultivating diligence
  • place financial burden on …
  • are at risk of becoming …
  • spur economic opportunities
  • helps relieve stress

Structuring a Complete Response

  1. Topic introction and state your opinion
    • Briefly introduce the topic
    • state your opinion and why
  2. Express and support your personal opinion
    • Provide a clear and detailed explanation
    • Support your opinion with relevant facts, examples, or arguments
    • Address any potential counterarguments or objections to your opinion
  3. Make a contribution to the discussion
    • Acknowledge and respond to at least one of the other students’ opinions, demonstrating critical thinking and engagement with the topic
    • Explain why you agree or disagree with the other student’s opinion or how your opinion complements or contrasts with theirs
    • Porvide additional insights, perspectives, or examples of your opinion that contribute to the discussion
  4. Conclusion
    • Summarize your main points and restate your opinion.

Question Structure and Organization


  • Generating ideas(You)
  • No Bad Ideas
  • Better Exam Performance
  • Practice Makes Perfect
  • Originality and Innovation
  • Ideas, Examples, & Reasons

Does social media positively or negatively impact mental health?

  1. Increase communication(P)
  2. Social Support(P)
  3. No face-to-face(N)
  4. Addiction(N)

Question Analysis


Benefits of Question Analysis:

  1. Understand Key Concepts and Themes
  2. Planning and Structuring a Response
  3. Ensures You Answer the Question
  4. Helps Avoid Irrelevant Information
  5. Focus on Rubric Requirements

Question Analysis:

  1. Question Topic
    1. Climate Change
  2. Professor Question
    1. How to diminish CC
  3. Student 1 Position
    1. Renew energy
  4. Student 2 Position
    1. Consumption
  5. What do you think: your opinion.
    1. recycling
    2. Ex: circular economy
    3. Ex: requires less energy

Get Feedback

  • Grammarly
  • POE: giving socre according the Rubric

General Success Tips and Advice

  1. Simulate the Exam
  2. Timed Practice
  3. Leave Editing Time
  4. Coherence(systematic or logical connection or consistency), Cohesion(the act or state of sticking together tightly), Concise(giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.)
  5. Expand Vocabulary and Grammatical Range
  6. Learn to Use AI Tools(GPT self-evaluate)
  7. Use Grammar Checking App(Grammarly)
  8. (YOUR)Past Written Work

How to support an opinion?

  • A. Evidence: (observations, analogies, studies, and common sense)
  • B. Logical Reasoning: (Use deductive or inductive arguments to identify common patterns)
  • C. Personal experience: (Draw on your personal experience)
  • D. Appeal to Emotion: (support and convince with emotion)
  • E. Present Alternative Views (critique of you) (People who disagree with me think)
  • F. Historical context: (by providing historical context or historical events that support your opinion)

Make valuable contribution

  • Problem solving: address challenges, generate solutions, overcome obstacles
  • Expansion of knowledge: brings a new perspective idea
  • Critical Analysis: identifying potential flaws, weaknesses, offering constructive criticism, and extending the ideas of others
  • New information: sharing relevant facts, data, experience, logical reasoning, or evidence that enriches the discussion and provides a different angle
  • Unique insights: Presenting a viewpoint or analysis that hasn’t been considered before, offering fresh interpretation, or drawing new connections

Useful Sentences

  • While I agree that (diversity and inclusion are important lessons from history), I believe that …
  • While I appreciate the points mentioned by Alex, I believe that …(we shoud/they should)
  • A will become … if
  • When A …, B …
  • Some people may feel that …, but I tend to disagree.

How to Score 5/5

  • Good structure (开头两句话, A is indispensable for …. A can help sb. in two ways/ for two reasons;正文一共两段;每一段论述一个点,开头提出论点,写个三五句话,一定要表明因果递进关系,最后一句点题呼应开头)
  • 多样化表达,句型词汇尽量别重复。Variable sentence length ( think about it: Your main aim is to write an elegant and UNDERSTANDABLE text; mix some short sentences with hard hitting facts with some longer sentences, showing off your language skills)
  • Use adverbs ( probably the easiest way to improve; makes your text simply a lot nicer to read)
  • 使用主动语态,不要使用被动
  • 不要使用really,把 a lot 替换为 many,尽量使用简单直接了当的词汇
  • 正确使用linking words,表面因果,递进,转折,并列关系
  • …, such as …., etc.
  • skills of employees -> employees’ skills
  • 不要使用I think that/I believe that,直接删掉说正式的that后的内容
  • important改为essential
  • 清清爽爽使用一些动词和并列结构。尽量使用动词原型,能使用原型表达的绝不使用ing
  • 使用一定的比喻
  • 使用while/whe各一次
  • 使用定语从句两次
  • 并列结构两次
  • 非限定性定语从句两次
  • can help improve
  • can be a good palce for
  • can be benefical for … for two reasons
  • consequently, …
  • so, …
  • 并列结构: by doing A, doing B of …, and adding/doing C
  • 并列结构: Improving and promoting the use A is essential and indispensable for reducing B
  • 用一次because: A is B because A like to be C.
  • if A do B, A will be D.
  • if A are doing, it will be …
  • not only … but also: A not only does B but also does C; A is not only B but also C.
  • leading to …
  • A, which is C, be/do D.
  • A is B that … in 1976, when ….
  • 动名词: Providing financial support to companies; improving and promoting the use of … is …
  • focus attention on … 把注意力集中在 …

Template(My opinion + comment on other’s opinion)

I believe that … is considerably significant. For example.

While/Although I understand Lily’s point that …. is important, her comment overlooks the importance of …. Tom’s suggestion is good, but he ignores …

In conclusion, I support

Template(Ongoing training and skill development)

Ongoing training and skill development, which are essential and indispensable, will/can/could help a company develop products, increase employee stability and reduce employees’ anxiety.

Ongoing training and skill development, which are essential and indispensable, will/can/could help a company develop products for two reasons.

Firstly, Ongoing training and skill development can help a company improve its products’ user experience.

Secondly, Ongoing training and skill development are essential for employees’ careers. If their skills are continually improved, they will be confident about their career in the industry and company.

Template 5/5 (Museums for a city and its citizens)

Museums are indispensable for a city. Museums can be beneficial for a city’s development for two reasons.

Firstly, museums can help improve a city’s economy by attracting customers from other cities. People from other places could visit museums because they may be interested in some museum exhibitions. When they move around in our city, they will consume and spend money, such as eating at a restaurant, buying goods in a store, purchasing tickets for a museum, etc. These actions all contribute to a city’s economic growth.

Secondly, museums are educational hubs (that provide free lectures, build learning spaces, and exhibit historical artifacts.) Citizens, especially students, could gather here and attend the free lectures while they could discuss their studies and exchange ideas about their research projects. So, museums can be a good place for people to meet and study.

Template 5/5

I think ongoing training and skill development are very important and indispensable. It will help a company develop products, increase employee’s stability, and reduce the anxiety of the employees.

The training will enable the company to develop more advanced products by using the most up-to-date technologies. Taking software development as an example, continuous training is needed because the industry is evolving and updated regularly and rapidly, if a company doesn’t keep up with the trends, it will be in an inferior position in the market.

The training will also keep the skills and ability of employees’ at a high level and reduce their career anxiety, as a consequence, they will be more likely to work at the company for a long time. From the employees’ perspective, they are willing to improve themselves as well, because they want to advance their technologies and skills to gain a better position in a company or the industry.

So, I think that continuing training is very important and indispensable for either a company or an employee.

Templete(5/5, Reducing carbon dioxide emissions)

Improving and expanding public transportation is the best way to cut carbon dioxide emissions. Because public transportation is usually cheaper and faster than driving a car, if public transportation is accessible from most city areas, more people would like to use it. Consequently, there will be fewer cars on the roads and fewer petrol-related pollutants emitted into the atmosphere.

Providing financial support to companies that make electric cars and consumers who buy them could be a secondary way, but this is an indirect way since who wants to buy a new car is relatively unpredictable and uncontrolled. Furthermore, purchasing an electric vehicle is very expensive for most people under the current economic situation. So this kind of support could be more efficient in reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Here’s what I recommend: 120 words + one subordinating conjunction + three coordinating conjunctions (two unique).

A subordinating conjunction is something like “while” or “when.” A coordinating conjunction is something like “but” or “so.” Note that “and” isn’t so helpful on the TOEFL. Don’t count it as one of the three.

Structure(Topic Development)

  • 开头段落:提出一句观点 I’m convinced that,只写一边倒的观点,提出两个分论点。
  • 第二段 Firstly。分论点1的论述,最后逻辑总结,呼应topic sentence。
  • 第三段 Secondly。分论点2的论述,最后逻辑总结,呼应topic sentence。
  • 第四段 Overall。一句话总结点题。呼应开头第一句。

我认为 I’m convinced that … are much better than …

过渡在说第二点的时候用。Moreover, …. is also



Example Question

Government should intervene and influence on people’s lifestyle choices?

Plan 1(should not):

  • Body paragraph 1: people are free to decide what to do with their own bodies.(Topic sentence)
  • Body paragraph 2: it’s not the government’s job to be parent to people.(Topic sentence 给出论点)
  • Conclusion: people are free to make whatever unhealthy choice they want.

Plan 2(should):

  • Body paragraph 1: people’s unhealthy choices have a negative effect on other people and society as a whole
  • Body paragraph 2: the government should make unhealthy lifestyle choices expensive, difficult or illegal
  • Conclusion: people are not free to make any unhealthy choices they want, and the government has a duty to intervene

Using Linking Words and Phrases

链接词(Topic Development)

  • 起:for a start, to begin with, first and foremost, first, the first reason is that
  • 承:in addition, additionally, besides, what’s more, in addition to …, furthermore, moreover, another reason is that …
  • 转:however, but, on the contrary, on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless, albeit, although
  • 合:in conclusion, to sum up, last but no least
  • 因:because, due to, because of, as a result of, result from
  • 果:therefore, thus, hence, so, result in, lead to
  • 例:for example, for instance, such as 1,2,3

Reasoning 词汇语料库(Language Use)

  1. Pragmatism 实用主义
  2. Economy(economical, tax)
  3. Convenience(handy)
  4. Health(healthy, secure, mental/physical health)
  5. Tradition(custom, habit)
  6. Development(technology, society)
  7. Communication
  8. Prospect(self-actualize, career)
  9. Psychology(entertainment, metal health)
  10. Environment(energy-saving, recycling, public transport, less paper usage)


indispensable 不可或缺


altruism 利他主义 honesty 诚实 understanding caring loyalty being thoughtful of others dedicate sense of duty

have confidence in sb. have faith in sb. forgive sb. 原谅某人 upset sb. reliability honesty(most important in a relationship)


  • Relieve stress(workout vs watching movies. Which do you prefer to relax yourself?)
  • Stress-reducer, relax oneself
  • city life being stressful(live in cities vs live in countryside)
  • leave the noisy crowded city, busy cars.
  • go to the quiet rural area.
  • replenish my energy and keep fit, release pressure.




  1. Family (n.) - 家人、家庭
  2. Kinship (n.) - 亲属关系
  3. Bond (n.) - 纽带、联系
  4. Loyalty (n.) - 忠诚、忠心
  5. Compassion (n.) - 同情、怜悯
  6. Empathy (n.) - 同理心
  7. Companionship (n.) - 友谊、陪伴
  8. Trust (n.) - 信任
  9. Support (n.) - 支持
  10. Cherish (v.) - 珍视、珍惜


  1. The strong family bond has helped us weather many storms together. 紧密的家庭纽带帮助我们共同度过了许多风风雨雨。

  2. I am truly grateful for the unwavering loyalty and support of my closest friends. 我衷心感谢最亲密朋友们的坚定忠诚和支持。

  3. Showing compassion and empathy towards others is key to building meaningful relationships. 表现出同情和同理心对于建立有意义的人际关系至关重要。

  4. The companionship and trust we share make our friendship truly special. 我们分享的友谊和信任使这段关系格外珍贵。

  5. I will always cherish the precious memories and moments I’ve had with my family. 我将永远珍视与家人共度的那些宝贵时光和回忆。

  6. Even through difficult times, we remained loyal to each other and never lost hope. 即使在艰难时刻,我们仍忠诚于彼此,从未失去希望。


Economy/Money 经济省钱 be economical; save money

It helps us/me to save a lot of time and energy. For example, Before, it took me 1 hour to get to my company, but now, it only takes me 30 minutes.




Here are some sentences about making money and saving money:

  1. Exploring side hustles or freelance opportunities can be a great way to supplement your primary income and make extra money.

  2. Creating and sticking to a monthly budget can help you identify areas where you can cut expenses and save money.

  3. Automating your savings by setting up regular transfers to a dedicated savings account can make it easier to reach your financial goals.

  4. Investing in stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments can be a strategy for growing your wealth and making your money work for you.

  5. Being mindful of your spending habits and looking for ways to reduce unnecessary expenses can lead to significant savings over time.

  6. Negotiating your salary or asking for a raise at work can be an effective way to increase your earning potential.

  7. Taking advantage of employer-sponsored retirement plans, like 401(k)s, can help you save for the future while also lowering your tax burden.

  8. Researching and taking advantage of government programs, tax credits, or other financial incentives can be a smart way to save money.

  9. Developing passive income streams, such as rental properties or dividend-paying investments, can diversify your sources of revenue.

  10. Adopting a frugal lifestyle, such as cooking at home, cutting back on discretionary spending, and finding free or low-cost entertainment, can help you save significantly.

省钱的英文: be economical; save money

2省钱的英文参考例句: A penny saved is a penny earned


It is less costly to freight merchandise than to mail it.


Save on time and money by shopping at the supermarket


The Boss wanted to look into ways to save money.


I, who at sometimes spend, at others spare.


Best-selling sweaters. Save on these sought–after styles.


The company has decided for economy’s sake to close down this department.


The Government has introduced a number of other money-saving moves.


Join the car-pool and save money and wear and tear on your car.


This car is economical to run because it doesn’t use much fuel.



  • economical是什么意思:adj. 经济的;节约的;合算的;精打细算的,省钱的
  • an economical shopper; 精打细算的购物者;
  • economic planning 制订经济计划


v. 挽救;储蓄;保存;节省;救球;存盘

n. 救球,救援

prep. 除…外

Saving is getting


Save the macro.


Her savings were in the Post Office Savings Bank.








Robin is the man for my money.(for my money正合我意)


The avoidance of money is just as psychotic as being attached to money.


get money by dishonest means

非法赚钱, 得不义之财


  1. I created a monthly budget to keep track of my expenses and save more money. 我制定了一个每月的预算,来跟踪我的开支,存更多钱。

  2. Buying in bulk at the wholesale club helps me save a lot on household items.

  3. Using coupons and taking advantage of sales helps me cut down on my grocery bills. 使用优惠券并利用销售机会帮我减少了杂货费用。

  4. I’m trying to be more frugal this year and cut back on unnecessary spending.

  5. Eating out less and cooking at home is a great way for me to save money. 少吃外食,多在家做饭是我节省钱的好方法。

  6. I always look for the most cost-effective option when making a purchase. 在购买时,我总是寻找性价比最高的选择。

  7. Instead of buying new clothes, I go thrifting to find affordable and unique items. 我不会购买新衣服,而是去二手商店淘便宜又独特的物品。



  • teamwork makes me happy
  • make new friends(group study vs individual study. Learn from books vs. learn by traveling.)
  • Enhance family bond(travel with family members vs. travel with friends)
  • Team Spirit(individual sports vs. team sports)
  • job displacement


  • Green commuting(go to word by riding a bike vs. driving a car. )
  • Environmental protection(a parking lot vs. a park to be built)
  • Environmentally friendly
  • which promotes sustainable development. 可持续发展


  • terrible consequences 可怕的后果
  • ecological disaster 生态灾难
  • the whole ecosystem will suffer
  • vital part of the ecosystem
  • devastate their populations
  • indispensable


  • aggravate financial burdens on ordinary families
  • other expenditures 其他的开销
  • affort 负担
  • cost 话费
  • pay for the costs of
  • allocate more money to …

disposable income 可支配收入

Many people believe that conspicuous consumption is an antisocial behavior. 很多人认为大手大脚的消费是一种对社会有害的行为。

levy a tax on… = officially request payment of a tax

be economical 经济实用的,节省开支的 A small family car is more economical than a large car. 一辆小的家用汽车比大型汽车要经济些。

专注focused/高效 efficient

  • nobody bothers me and I finish my work without interruption.
  • no/less distractions
  • easily to be concentrated
  • has a high work/study efficiency
  • more efficient




  1. Self-improvement (n.) - 自我提升、自我完善
  2. Resilience (n.) - 韧性、抗逆力
  3. Adaptability (n.) - 适应能力
  4. Discipline (n.) - 自律、纪律
  5. Perseverance (n.) - 坚韧、毅力
  6. Ambition (n.) - 抱负、野心
  7. Confidence (n.) - 自信
  8. Empathy (n.) - 同理心
  9. Growth Mindset (n.) - 成长型思维
  10. Self-Awareness (n.) - 自我认知


  1. Developing a growth mindset has really helped me overcome challenges and improve myself. 培养成长型思维真的帮助我克服困难,不断提升自己。

  2. Her resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity are truly inspiring. 她在逆境中表现出的韧性和毅力真的让人敬佩。

  3. He is constantly working on improving his skills and expanding his knowledge through self-study. 他一直通过自学不断提升技能,扩展知识面。

  4. Practicing mindfulness and self-awareness has made me more empathetic towards others. 练习正念和自我认知让我对他人有了更强的同理心。

  5. With discipline and a clear sense of ambition, she was able to achieve her career goals. 凭借自律和明确的抱负,她最终实现了职业目标。

  6. Adaptability is an essential skill in today’s rapidly changing world. 在瞬息万变的当今世界,适应能力是必备的关键技能。


经典句型/语法(Language Use)

  • advantages/disadvantages
  • good and bad points
  • It is more important to do A than to do B.
  • Alrough A is …, B does sth.
  • Carson, a highly respected wirter on scientific topics, was born in 1907 on a farm for wich many people lived and worked.
  • All of this effort paid off eventually.
  • Try new things is pretty rewarding
  • in order TO FOSTER 为了培养
  • Which contributes to … 会导致
  • The financial burden on taxpayers will be eased significantly.



  1. 复合句

    • Although the policy has faced some criticism, it has significantly improved the situation.
    • While technology has brought many conveniences, it has also created new challenges.
  2. 并列句

    • Not only did the new program boost employment rates, but it also improved overall economic conditions.
    • The research not only highlighted the problem, but also provided concrete solutions.
  3. 倒装句

    • Only by addressing the root causes can we truly resolve this issue.
    • Never before have we seen such a dramatic shift in consumer behavior.
  4. 强调句

    • It is the lack of funding that has hindered progress on this project.
    • What is most important is that we take immediate action to address this pressing concern.
  5. 转折句

    • Despite the initial setbacks, the team was able to successfully implement the new strategy.
    • Even though the changes will be challenging, they are necessary for long-term sustainability.


  1. 时态一致性

    • Having conducted extensive research, the team concluded that…
    • By the time the reforms are implemented, the economy will have already stabilized.
  2. 高级副词

    • The new policy was enacted remarkably quickly to address the urgent situation.
    • Consumers have responded exceedingly well to the innovative product design.
  3. 名词性从句

    • What is clear is that the current system is no longer sustainable.
    • Whether the proposed solution is feasible remains to be seen.
  4. 冠词使用

    • The government’s lack of a coherent strategy has hindered progress.
    • Effective leadership is crucial in overcoming such complex challenges.
  5. 学术词汇

    • This empirical study provides invaluable insights into the underlying dynamics.
    • The multifaceted nature of the problem necessitates a comprehensive approach.



The response appears to be strong. There may be only a few errors with the following features:

  • Sentence fragments
  • Run-on sentences?(A run-on sentence occurs when two independent clauses run together without proper punctuation or appropriate conjunctions. Incorrect: Raffi sings upbeat children’s songs he is an excellent musician.)
  • Confusing sentences
  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Verb formation
  • Pronoun errors
  • Possessive error (missing an apostrophe)?
  • Wrong or missing words


The response appears to be strong. There may be only a few errors with the following features:

  • Missing, extra, or incorrectly used articles
  • Confused words
  • Wrong or nonstandard word forms
  • Incorrect comparisons?
  • Preposition errors
  • Negation errors?
  • Wrong part of speech


Errors in mechanics only impact performance when they interfere with comprehensibility. The response appears to be strong. There may be only a few errors with the following features:

  • Spelling
  • Capitalization
  • Missing punctuation
  • Hyphen error
  • Compound words
  • Duplicated words or phrases
  • Extra commas

Organization Development

One or more of the following features could not be found in the response:

  • Thesis statement?
  • Main ideas
  • Supporting ideas
  • Introductory material?
  • Transitional words and phrases


Thesis statement

Sums up the main point of your paper. 1 or 2 sentences long. Appears at the end of your introduction. Say goodbye to going-off topic.

Introductory material

This section introduces the topic or problem in an interesting, general, and professional manner.

Run-on sentences

A run-on sentence occurs when two independent clauses run together without proper punctuation or appropriate conjunctions.

  • Incorrect: Raffi sings upbeat children’s songs he is an excellent musician.

  • Correct: Raffi sings upbeat children’s songs; he is an excellent musician.

  • Incorrect: I will watch The Office you do your homework.

  • Correct: I will watch The Office while you do your homework.


  • time, efficiency, convienience
  • knowledge, experience, skills
  • money & cost
  • environment, health
  • necessity, feasibility