词汇积累-副词 Adverbs

  • hitherto 迄今为止
  • Plausibly 貌似有道理,可能
  • hence 因此
  • therefore 所以,因此
  • haphazard: accidentally
  • virtually: almost/nearly; by means of computer or computer networks
  • collectively 全体地,共同地
  • obstinately 固执地
  • outrageously 令人不可容忍地
  • scarcely 几乎不,简直没有
  • consistently 一致地
  • conceivably 可以想象的是,可以想得到的是;可能的是;可以理解的是
  • promptly 立刻地,敏捷地
  • nevertheless 然而,不过
  • radically 根本上
  • abreast 并列地
  • nonetheless 虽然如此,但是
  • significantly 值得注目地,相当地
  • ironically 讽刺地
  • violently 极端地
  • henceforth 从此以后
  • sharply 急剧地
  • likewise 同样地;也
  • hardly 几乎不,简直不
  • slightly 苗条地
  • symbolic 象征的,符号的
  • theoretical 不切实际的
  • yeast 酵母
  • indeed 的却
  • profusely 丰富地
  • substantially = considerably
  • impervious to = unaffected by
  • impervious 不透水的
  • seemingly 看似,貌似
  • indefinitely 无限期地
  • strictly = exclusively
  • crisis 危机 = critical situation 危机关头,关键时刻
  • inadvertently 无意地 accidentally
  • presumably(It is reasonable to suppose)暗含相信某事大概率是对的,perhaps暗含勉强同意(其实不赞成)。presumably (adverb as in likely, reasonably) Strongest matches. apparently doubtless probably seemingly supposedly surely.
  • regrettably 遗憾地;抱歉地;可悲地 (unfortunately)