Abbreviations and abbreviated words
Letters or words
- MP: Member of Parliament
- PM: Prime Minister
- EU: European Union
- PC: Personal computer
- BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation
- UN: United Nations
- UK: United Kingdom
- USA: United States of America
- OPEC: Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
- AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- Mr
- Mrs: a married woman
- Ms: a woman who may be single or married
- Miss: 用于未婚女子姓氏或姓名前,女士
Abbreviations as part of the language
- etc: and so on
- e.g.: for example
- i.e.: that’s to say, in other words
Shortened words
- fridge: refrigerator
- bike: bicycle
- exam: examination
- mum: mother
- ad/advert: advertisement
- dad: father
- maths: mathematics
- case: suitcase
- vet: veterinary surgeon 兽医
- flu: influenze
- lab: laboratory
- phone: telephone
- photo: photograph
- TV/telly: television
- a paper: newspaper