Topic: Astronomy

天文学话题 - 英语讨论


  1. 地球,月球,太阳系
  2. 恒星、行星、小行星、彗星、流星、陨石
  3. 星座、星云、银河系
  4. 天文学力量(heliocentric theory 日心说,geocentric theory 地心说)
  5. 其他:月球的陨石坑,火星表面的税,彗星运行的轨道等
  • universe 宇宙
  • astronomical 天文的
  • space 空间
  • cosmos 宇宙
  • stellar 恒星的
  • vacuum 真空
  • cluster of galaxies 星系团
  • galaxy 星系
  • asterism 星群
  • constellation 星座
  • big dipper 北斗七星
  • solar system
  • planet 行星
  • moon 月球,卫星
  • comet 彗星, Comets are “dirty snowballs”, composed of dust and ice
  • constellation 星座
  • debris 残骸,碎片
  • collide 碰撞,冲突conflict
  • big dipper(🥄) 北斗七星
  • constellation 星座


  • Crust 地壳
  • mantle 地幔(中间层)
  • core 内核

Sun 太阳

  • corona 日冕

寻找类地行星 Exoplanets

地球之所以有生命,主要是因为它有水,且距离太阳不远不近,温度适中,从而是水以三种状态存在。水作为一种化学反应池,生命得以演化。habitable zone.

It needs to be the right temperature to sustain liquid water. It needs to be rocky planet.

Aurora 极光(电磁现象)

太阳发射的电子颗粒(Sun spot activity)和地球磁场碰撞形成的,发出不同的光是因为各种不同的元素发生了电子越迁。(类似烟花,不同金属元素会释放不同的光芒)。


flare-up: 爆发


  • star 恒星
  • corona 日冕
  • chromosphere 色球层
  • photosphere 光球层
  • eclipse 日蚀
  • solar radiation 太阳辐射
  • black hole 黑洞
  • gravity 重力
  • gravitation 引力
  • singularity 奇点
  • collapse 塌缩
  • grave 坟墓,沉重的

星云 Nebula

  • emission nebula 发射星云
  • reflection nebula 反射星云
  • Dark nebula 暗星云


  • planet 行星
  • Dwarf 矮星、侏儒(brown & white dwarf)
  • Asteroid 小行星
  • minor planet 小行星
  • comet 彗星(有轨道)
  • meteoroid 流星体
  • meteor 流星(shooting star)
  • meteorite 陨星
  • exoplanets: extrasolar planets(太阳系以外的行星,主要寻找类似地球的环境), EXOPLANET is a planet orbiting a star that is not our sun.
  • Star: hoststart 恒星或主星,其他行星围绕恒星旋转
  • gas giants 外部行星(火星以外的)
  • rocky planet 内部行星(水,金,地,火)
  • proto-planets 原始星


  • Mercury 水星
  • Venus 金星
  • Earth 地球
  • Mars 火星
  • Ceres 谷神星
  • Asteroid belt 小行星带
  • Jupiter 木星
  • Saturn 土星
  • Uranus 天王星
  • Neptune 海王星
  • Pluto 冥王星(刚开始在,后来被开除太阳系,因为太小了)


Comet: 哈雷彗星 76周年(perodic orbits)

  • 类地行星(Terrestrial planet): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
  • 类木行星(Jovian planet, Gas Giant): Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


  • coronagraph 日冕仪(消弱其围绕的恒星发光的影响,使得其他发光微弱的星球能被看到。一种照相技术,成像)


Parsec 秒差距(距离单位)3.26光年

The parsec (symbol: pc) is a unit of length used to measure the large distances to astronomical objects outside the Solar System, approximately equal to 3.26 light-years or 206,265 astronomical units (AU), i.e. 30.9 trillion kilometres (19.2 trillion miles).

megaparsecs 百万秒差距

Light Year 光年

光年是长度单位之一,指光在真空中一年时间内传播的距离,大约为9.46兆公里。 光年一般用于天文学中,是用来量长度很长的距离的单位,如太阳系跟另一恒星的距离。

A light-year is the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one Julian year (365.25 days).

Astronomical unit 天文单位

天文单位(英语:Astronomical unit,缩写的标准符号为AU,也写成au、a.u.或ua)是天文学上的长度单位,曾以地球与太阳的平均距离定义。 2012年8月,天文学家以无记名投票的方式,把天文单位固定为149,597,870,700米。

Star Death(恒星演变和死亡)

  • Population II stars, the oldest stars, are formed from hydrogen and helium gases, and they shine until they exhaust their fusible material.
  • Population I stars, including the Sun, are relatively young stars that are mostly hydrogen and helium gas but also contain heavier elements.
  • The outer envelope of the Sun and stars like it will release their energy into space, and the inner cores will become white dwarfs before they finally give off their last energy.

Star(fusion reaction, hydrons collpased with each other emiting light) -> red giant star(inner fusion stopped, outer expaned and cooled) -> dwarf star(The core will shrink, giving off the last of its energy)


Is universe welcoming or hostile. 宇宙是欢迎还是敌对。

  • malevolent dark forces 恶毒的黑暗势力
  • star trek 星际迷航
  • desolate 荒凉的
  • barren 贫瘠的
  • oddly familiar 感觉奇怪地熟悉:

Venus: the goddess of love(启明星)

The morning star, the evening star, she can welcome the new day in the east, say good night in the west.

A sister to our planet, she’s about the same size and gravity as earth, we should be safe here, but the venus express space probe is setting off alarms, it’s telling us that these dazzling(眩目的) clouds they’re made of deadly sulfuric acid, the atmosphere is choking(塞满) with carbon dioxide.

Never expected this, Venus is one angry goddess, the air is noxious, the pressure unbearable, and it’s hot approaching 900 degrees, stick around and we’d we corroded, suffocated, crushed and baked(待在这里,我们就会被腐蚀,窒息,碾碎,烘烤).

Nothing can survive here, not even this soviet robotic probe, its heavy armor has been trashed by the extreme atmosphere. So lovely from earth up colse this goddess is hideous, she’s the sister from hell, pock marked by thousands of volcanoes, all that carbon dioxide is trapping the sun’s heat, venus is burning up its global warming gone wild, before it took hold maybe venus was beautiful, calm more like her sister palnet earth. So this could be earth’s future.

Mercury 水星(离太阳最近)

It must be Mercury, get too close to the Sun, this is what happens, temperatures swing wildly here at night it’s minus 275 degrees, come midday it’s 800 plus. Burnt then frozen. The messenger space probe is telling us something strange, for its size mercury has a powerful gravitational pull, it’s a huge ball of iron covered with a thin veneer of rock, the core of what was once a much large planet, so where the rest of it, maybe a stray planet slammed into mercury, blasting away its outer layers in a deadly game of cosmic pinball.

Whole worlds on the lose careening wildly across the cosmos destroying anything in their path and we’re in the middle of it.整个世界都在迷失中,在宇宙中疯狂地倾斜,摧毁了他们前进道路上的一切,而我们就在其中。

vulnerable exposed small everything is telling us to turn back, but who could defy this, the Sun in all its mesmerizing splendor.


Our light, our lives, everythin we do is controlled by the Sun, depends on it. It’s the great god helios driving his chariot across the sky, the egyptian god RA reborn every day. The summer solstice(至,至日;至点) rising at stonehenge(巨石阵) for millions of years.

This was as close as it got to staring into the face of god. It’s so far away, if it burned out we wouldn’t know about it for eight minutes. It’s so big you could fit one million earth inside it.

But who needs numbers, we’ve got the real thing, we see it every day a familar face in out sky, no up colse, it’s unrecognizable, the turbulent sea of incandescent(炽热的) gas. The thermometer pushes 10,000 degrees. Can’t imagine how hot the core is could be tens of millions of degrees.

Hot enough to transform millions of tons of matter into energy every second, more than all the energy ever made by mankind, dawarfing the power of all the nuclear weapons on earth, back home we use this energy for light, and heat, but up colse, there’s nothing comforting about the Sun.

It’s electrical and magnetic forces erupt in giant molten gas loops, some are larger than a dozen earths, more powerful than 10 million volcanoes. When they burst through they expose cooler layers below, making sunspots, a fraction cooler than their surroundings, sunspots look black but they’re hotter than anything on earth. And massive up to 20 times the size of earth.

But one day, all this will stop, the sun’s fuel will be spent, and when it dies the earth will follow. This god creates life, destroys it and demands we keep our distance.

Comet 彗星(扫把星,冰球, 彗核是由松散的冰、尘埃和小岩石构成的)

This comet strayed too close, the sun’s heat is boiling it away, creating a tail that stretches for millions of miles, it’s freezing it here, there no doubt where this comes from, the icy wastes of deep space, but all this steam geysers and dust(间歇泉和尘埃), it’s the sun again, melting the comet’s frozen heart, strange, a kind of vast dirty snowball, covered in grimy tar, tiny grains of what looks like organic material preserved on ice who knows when, maybe even the beginning of the solar system.

Say a comet like this crashed into the young earth billions of years ago. Maybe it delivered organic material and water. The raw ingredients of life, and may even have sown(播种;布满) the seeds of life on earth that evolved into you and me, but saved crashed into the earth, now think of the dinosaurs, wiped out by a comet or asteroid strike.

It’s only a question of time, eventually one day, we’ll go the way of dinosaurs. If life on earth was wiped out, we’d be stuck out here, homeless, adrift in a hostile universe, we need to find another home, among the millions billions of planets. There must be one that’t not too hot not too cold with air sunlight water. We’re like goldilocks we could comfortably live.

Mars 火星

The red planet, unmistakably mars, for centuries we’ve looked to mars for company, for signs of life, could there be extraterrestrial life here.

red and dead.

lava flow

Where there’s water, there could be life.

spearheaded v.领头,带头:在某个活动、运动或组织中担任领导角色。 harbored life 窝藏生命

Astroids 小行星

shooting stars 流星


oblivion 遗忘

The birth of start
