Topic: Archeology



Radiometric Dating 同位素年代测定

  • Radioactive Decay/ Nuclear Decay 衰变
  • Half-life 半衰期
  • stumble



Radiometric dating calculates an age in years for geologic materials by measuring the presence of a short-life radioactive element, e.g., carbon-14, or a long-life radioactive element plus its decay product, e.g., potassium-14/argon-40.



Relative Dating & Absolute Dating

C14 dating is Absolute dating.

Archaeologists have two main ways to tell the age of sites and artifacts. Relative dating tells how old something is in relation to other objects, but cannot provide a year or specific date of use. In contrast, absolute dating provides a specific calendar year for the occupation of a site.

Relative dating methods estimate whether an object is younger or older than other things found at the site. Relative dating does not offer specific dates, it simply allows to determine if one artifact, fossil, or stratigraphic layer is older than another.

Absolute dating methods provide more specific origin dates and time ranges, such as an age range in years. How specific these dates can be will depend on what method is used.


  • excavate 发掘
  • excavation sites 发掘地点
  • paleolithic 旧石器时代(hunting-gathering, nomadic life)
  • mesolithic 中石器时代
  • neolithic 新石器时代(settlement, livestock, agriculture)
  • lithosphere 岩石圈
  • chronological 年代的
  • remain 遗骸(剩下的东西)
  • Pottery 陶器
  • Ceramics 陶瓷的
  • antique 古老的
  • artifact 手工艺品
  • peat 泥炭
  • surmise 推测
  • occurrence 出现
  • made of: material,由…制造的
  • dump 垃圾场,垃圾,倾销
  • skeuomorphs 纺织品
  • ceramics 陶瓷
  • bronze cauldron 青铜大锅



  • Kinds of archaeological evidence that pottery provides
  • Why does the professor list several reasons that pots were traded? To support her claim that pottery provides evidence of distribution
  • According to the professor, what is one reason it is important to study the material from which pottery was made? It can help archaeologists establish where the pottery came from
  • According to the professor, why is it difficult to gain information on the function of a pot? (Click on two answers.) 1.Not all pots found in the same location have the same function; 2. Pots are rarely found in the places in which they were used
  • What is a skeuomorph? A copy of an object, but made from a different material

Pottery can provide such evidence:

  1. dates, styles
  2. evidence of trade and distribution
  3. evidence of function

Infra Imaging 红外成像(可以发现sites)

  • mural 墙,壁画

Instead of taking regular photographs, the satellite cameras take pictures using infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye, but computers can then process these images so our eyes can see them.


Using infrared imaging, the satellite-based remote sensing instruments revealed what turned out to be traces of water storage systems and canals, canals that the Mayans built to irrigate their parched soil, which helps explain how the Mayans could feed such a large population.


The infrared images also revealed ancient roadways that had tied Mayan cities together.


So the greens of the jungle are shown mostly as blue and red, but notice also the spots of greenish yellow scattered here and there.


These indicate significant discoloration in the vegetation, at least as it appears to infrared cameras.


And Saturno notices that some of that discolorations located in exactly the spot where he found the pyramid temple.


So he figures, hey, maybe some of those other yellow spots are worth investigating.


Well, long story short, he checks out three different spots where the photo shows discoloration and finds an ancient Mayan site overgrown with vegetation at every single one.


Further exploration shows a perfect correlation between yellow spots on the infrared image and Mayan ruins hidden in the jungle.


Student: So what caused those spots to look different?


Professor: Well, Saturno believes the limestone and lime plasters that the Mayans used to build their structures…


Over time, uh, this limestone decayed and seeped into the soil and changed the soil’s chemistry.


Then calcium carbonate from the decaying lime plaster might have been taken out by the roots of the trees growing there, uh, up into their leaves, and made them give off infrared light much more brightly than the surrounding vegetation.


And infrared sensing technology can detect this.
