- autism 自闭症
- feces 屎
- pee 尿
- urine 尿
- defecate vi 排便;澄清
- penis 阴茎
- teetotal: They never drink alcohol
- vegetarian dish 素菜
- lamb 羊肉
- contraception 避孕
- tablets 片剂
- dizziness 头晕
- vet 兽医
- headaches 头疼
- caesareans 刨腹产
- in labour 临产
- contractions 宫缩
- pelvises 骨盆
- dementia 失智(look after brain health)
- obesity
- life expectancy 预期寿命
- antidote 解药
- pernicious threat 恶性威胁
- outbreak: sudden start and spread of a disease(break out)
- sweeping(扫地,广泛的): moving and spreading quickly
- jab: injection 打针
- stiff upper lip: quality of not showing feelings in a difficult situation
- organic 有机的 绿色的 无农害的
- inorganic a. 无机的
- poisonous 有害的
- longivity 长寿,长命
- aerobics n. 有氧运动,健美操
- bland 不油腻的,清淡的
- melanin 黑色素
- pathology 反常,变态
- quench v. 淬火,熄灭
- ripen 成熟
- therapy 治疗
- check 检查
- describe 描述
- fracture 骨折
- inflame 发炎
- inhale/exhale 吸气/呼气
- respire 呼吸(细胞意义上)
- prescribe 开药方
- state 陈述
- swell 肿胀(swollen)
- transfer 转诊
- vomit 呕吐
- blood pressure gauge 血压计
- certificate of diagnosis 诊断证明书
- blood pressure gauge 血压计
- disposable syringe 一次性注射器
- patient’s record 病例
- stethoscope 听诊器
- thermometer 体温计
- tongue depressor 压舌板
- allergy 过敏
- cramp 抽筋
- fever 发烧
- headache 头痛
- influenza 流行性感冒
- rash 疹子
- running nose 流鼻水
- stomachache 胃痛
- describe the symptoms
- ask for certificate of diagnosis
- have a high fever 发高烧
- pull a dressing cart here 拉一台换药车过来
- bistoury 外科小刀
- body fat scale 体脂机
- crutch 拐杖
- digital weight scale 电子体重计
- dressing cart
- sling 悬带
- wheelchair 轮椅
- encourage depressed patients 鼓励沮丧的病患
- tend to be disconsolate 容易感到郁郁寡欢
- need a psychiatrist’s opinion
- express my anger
- calm down
- communicate
- depress 使沮丧
- escape
- arrogant 狂妄自大的
- crazy
- disconsolate 郁郁寡欢的
- embarrassed 难为情的
- empty 空虚的
- gloomy 阴沉的
- helpless 无力的
- hysterical 歇斯底里的(uncontrollably emotional)
- immature 幼稚的
- irritable 暴躁易怒的
- comatose 昏迷的
- fitness 健康
- genetic 基因的,遗传的
- gonads 性腺
- hygiene 卫生 sanitation
- anticorrosion 防腐剂
- symptom 症状,征兆
- drowsiness and fatigue 困倦和疲劳
- fluffy 蓬松的
- antimicrobial 抗菌剂
- chemotherapy 化疗
- Disorder 紊乱
- Fever 发烧
- Infection 感染
- Plague 瘟疫(black death, EU)
- Chronic 慢性的
- Angina 心绞痛
- Ague 疟疾
- ill 得病,疾病
- indisposed 小病,slightly ill
- Illness 疾病
- Bruise 挫伤
- Benign 良性
- Canker 溃疡
- Infirmity 体弱多病
- Cancer 癌症
- Alcoholism 酗酒
- Contagion 传染
- syndrome 综合症
- bladder 膀胱
- cholesterol 胆固醇
- trans fat 反式脂肪
- paralyzed 使瘫痪或麻痹
- sodium ions 钠离子
- tetrodotoxin 河豚毒素
- high blood pressure 高血压
- lipoid 类脂的
- hyperlipoidemia 高血脂
- diabedies 糖尿病
- asthma 哮喘;喘息;哮喘病
- fever 发烧
- vomit v/n 呕吐
-mania 狂热症(Frenzy,overly love to do sth.)
- -mania 狂热症,love to do
- Mania 狂躁
- Enthusiasm 热情
- Kleptomania 盗窃癖
- Pyromania 纵火狂
- Monomania 偏执狂
- Nymphomania 色情狂
-phobia 恐惧,害怕,fear,癖(overly fear to do sth.)
- -phobia 恐惧症,fear to do
- Acrophobia 恐高症
- Aquaphobia 恐水症
- Agoraphobia 广场恐惧症
- Gynophobia 恐女症(gyno- 女性)
- Claustrophobia 幽闭恐惧症(close, 封闭)
- behavioral psychologist 行为心理学家
- clinical psychologist 临床心理学家
- counseling psychologist 心理咨询师
- paranoid 偏执狂患者
- anger 愤怒
- anxiety 焦虑
- autism 自闭症
- compulsive disorder 强迫症
- frustration 挫折
- bind up 包扎
- bleed 流血
- clean 清理(伤口)
- comfort 安抚
- sew 缝合
- soothe 安抚
- stanch 止血
- stick 粘贴
- take off 脱掉
- weep 哭泣
- locker room 更衣室
- cap 手术帽
- glove 手套
- surgical suit 手术衣
- surgery 手术室
- anesthesia machine 麻醉剂
- ceiling light 吊灯
- clamp 止血钳
- instrument stand 仪表架
- instrument tray 仪表盘
- operation schedule 手术单,
- operating table
- scalpel 解刨刀(obsidian)
- defibrillator 心脏电击器
- EKG 心电图
- mechanical ventilator 人工呼吸辅助器
- nasogastric tube 鼻胃管
- surgical scrub suit 手术磨砂服
- scrub 擦洗
- clamp 止血钳
- detergent 清洁剂
- Laundry 待洗(或正在洗涤、洗完)的衣物;洗衣房,洗衣店;洗衣物,洗衣物的活
- laundry detergent 衣物清洁剂
- powder detergent 洗衣粉
- liquid detergent 洗衣液
bandage 绷带
cotton wool 药用棉花
forceps 镊子
gauze 纱布
stretcher 担架
syringe 注射器
tourniquet 止血带
bind up the wounds
a disposable surgical cap
read an EKG strip 读心电图表
throw out the used bandages
stomachache 胃痛
carmps 生理痛
constipation 便秘
diarrhea 腹泻
hangover 宿醉
insomnia 失眠
fill a prescription 配方
the side effect of the medicine 副作用
dispensary 医务室,药房
- antibiotic 抗生素
- aspirin 阿司匹林
- contraceptive pill 避孕药
- cough drop 止咳药
- gastric drug 胃药
- laxative 泻药
- painkiller 止痛药
- sleeping pill 安眠药
- insomnia 失眠
- bee propolis 蜂胶
- calcium tablet 钙片
- Chitosan 壳聚糖
- collagen 胶原蛋白
- fish oil 鱼油
- glucosamine 葡萄糖胺
- grape seed 葡萄籽
- vitamin 维生素
- have one crooked tooth 有一颗长歪了的牙齿
- have an irregular set of teeth 齿列不整
- front teeth 门牙
- premolar teeth 前磨牙
- wisdom teeth 智齿
- cavity 蛀牙
- dental brace 牙套
- denture 假牙
- floss 牙线
- interdental brush 牙间刷
- model 模型
- canine tooth 犬齿
- front tooth 门牙
- milk tooth 乳牙
- molar tooth 臼齿
- permanent tooth 恒齿
- crown 牙冠
- dentin 象牙质
- dentition 齿列
- enamel 法酿质
- gums 牙床
- pulp 牙髓
- root 牙根管
- tongue 舌头
- mouthwash 漱口剂
- periodontal disease 牙周病
- can’t get contact lenses out 隐形眼镜拿不出来
- turn the eyeball around 转动眼珠子
- is this glaucoma 这是青光眼吗?
- sty 针眼
- floaters 飞蚊症
- trachoma 沙眼
- cornea 眼角膜
- eye socket 眼窝
- eyeball 眼球
- eyelash 眼睫毛
- eyelid 眼皮
- optic nerve 视神经
- pupil 瞳孔
- retina 视网膜
- contact lenses 隐形眼镜
- eye chart 视力检查表
- eye drops 眼药水
- eye model 眼球模型
- glasses 眼睛
- vision testing stereoscope 视力箱
- bloodshot 充血的
- blurry 模糊的
- burning 灼热的
- dry 干涩的
- itchy 痒的
- inflamed 发炎红肿的
- lancinating 刺痛的
- painful 疼痛的
- sore 酸涩的
- swollen 肿胀的
- tired 疲倦的
- unclear 不清楚的
- watery 湿润的
- weak 衰弱的
- bipolar disorder 躁郁症
- eating disorder 厌食症
- bulimla nervosa 暴食症
- psychoneurosis 精神性神经病
- depression 忧郁症
- schizophreniz 精神分裂症
血液 blood
- blood sugar
- BMI(Body Mass Index)
- cholesterol 胆固醇
- blood pressure 血压
过敏 allergy
I have a pollen allergy
I have favism 我有蚕豆症
I am allergic to seafood 我对海鲜过敏
cotton wool balls 棉花球
surgical spirlt 用酒精消毒
a clinical thermometer 体温计
doctor on call 值班医生
provide first-aid to the patient 给予病人急救
Increased exposure to alcohol also increases the physical and mental health risks associated with drinking too much. And so that’s something that we really need to continue to look at and do something about. *
The Human Body
- The skin serves as the body’s first line of defense to protect it from diseases.
- Tears help keep germs and bacteria from entering the body through the eyes.
- While blood cells help repair the body and fight infections as well.
Noncommunicable diseases cannot be passed from one person to another. Many of these diseases result from a person’s lifestyle. For instance, smoking, drinking, eating too much, and not exercising enough can cause a person to get diseases such as lung cancer or heart disease.
Communicable diseases, on the other hand, can be passed from one person to another. The common cold and the flu are two types of communicable diseases. Communicable diseases are said to be contagious.
Occasionally, a large number of people in an area catch a certain disease at the same time. This reults in an epidemic.
Immune system:
The first line of defense is the skin and glands, which prevent germs(致病菌) and bacteria(细菌,bacterium的复数) from entering the body.
Lymphatic system: 淋巴系统:循环系统的一部分,主要负责清除从细胞和组织中逸出的液体和蛋白质,并将它们送回血液中;同时,它还负责吞噬细胞残骸和异物、参与免疫反应。The lymphatic system is a network of delicate tubes throughout the body. It drains fluid (called lymph) that has leaked from the blood vessels into the tissues and empties it back into the bloodstream via the lymph nodes. The main roles of the lymphatic system include: managing the fluid levels in the body.
The body has lymph nodes(淋巴结:人体内的一种器官,起到过滤淋巴液和产生免疫细胞的作用。), or glands, that can destroy bacteria, germs, and viruses. Also, white blood cells help fight infections. There several types of white white blood cells. Many of them clean the body and help repair any damaged parts. Other white blood cells create antibodies that attack germs and viruses and then kill them.
Humans have developed vaccines to fight virus. Thanks to vaccines, people can become immune to deadly diseases such as malaria, cholera, yellow fever, and even influenza, the flu.