


  • victim 受害者
  • courtship 求爱;求婚;求爱期
  • yolk sac 卵黄囊:大多数脊椎动物中的一种膜囊,包裹着卵黄,通过卵黄柄与胚胎的肠腔相连,供应有血管,将营养卵黄产物输送到发育中的胚胎。
  • upheaval 激变,剧变;(地壳)隆起
  • droppings 粪便
  • dung 粪便
  • force-feeding 强使进食,强喂饲料;迫使接受,强行灌输
  • snare 陷阱,捕捉器
  • confiscated pangolins 没收穿山甲
  • poach 偷猎
  • keratin 角蛋白(fingernails, feathers, and horns)
  • veterinarian 兽医(Vet for short) animal doctor


  • megafauna 大型动物
  • cricket 蟋蟀🦗(chirp)
  • bee 蜜蜂🐝
  • otter 獭
  • bat 🦇
  • tiger 🐯
  • cat 🐱
  • lion 🦁️
  • dog 🐶
  • shrimp 🦐
  • fish 🐟
  • fox 🦊
  • finch 雀
  • cockroaches 🪳
  • plankton 浮游生物
  • crow 乌鸦
  • jellyfish 水母
  • turtles 海龟
  • salamander 火蜥蜴
  • seabirds 海鸟
  • Hound 猎犬
  • octopus 章鱼,八爪鱼 🐙
  • squirrel 🐿️
  • seal 🦭
  • bee 🐝(pollinator 传粉媒介)
  • cubs 幼崽(食肉动物)
  • calves 幼崽(食草动物)
  • eggs 蛋,卵(乌龟,青蛙,鸟类)
  • alligator 短嘴鳄
  • clam 蛤
  • ivory 象牙
  • camel 骆驼🐫
  • curved tusks 弯曲的獠牙(大象,猛犸象)
  • marsupial: mammal that carries its young in a pouch on the mother’s body.
  • molar: large, flat tooth used for chewing and grinding.
  • dinosaur: very large, extinct reptile chiefly from the Mesozoic Era, 251 million to 65 million years ago.
  • cattle: cows and oxen.
  • artifact: material remains of a culture, such as tools, clothing, or food.
  • anatomy: structure of an organism.
  • rear: to rear her whold family 饲养她的整个家
  • trespassing 侵入
  • rivals 竞争对手
  • sloth 树懒
  • mammal 动物
  • forage 草料
  • outrun 跑过,跑的快不快
  • oyster 牡蛎🦪
  • coral 珊瑚(small animals), a sessile animal, relies on its relationship with plant-like algae to build the largest structures of biological origin on Earth.
  • coral reef 珊瑚礁
  • pigeon 🐦鸽子
  • mammoth 猛犸象🦣,巨大的
  • squid 🦑鱿鱼
  • crab 🦀️
  • mosquitoes 🦟蚊子
  • plant-like protista(Algae) 藻类
  • plant plankton
  • moult 换羽,蜕皮
  • 驯鹿 (Reindeer)
  • moth 娥
  • crustaceam 甲壳类动物(molting: 蜕皮)
  • ecdysis 蜕皮,换毛
  • decapods 十足的(lobsters)
  • beaver 🦫海狸
  • scavenger
  • rhinoceros 犀牛
  • bat
  • chimpanzee 黑猩猩
  • beaver 海狸
  • hippopotamus 河马
  • lizard 蜥蜴
  • wood thrush 画眉鸟
  • pup 小狗
  • crocodile
  • alligator
  • sloth
  • barracuda
  • sea urchin 海胆
  • sea house
  • mothoctopus
  • prairies dog
  • squirrel
  • whale
  • jellyfish
  • camel
  • colubrid
  • coyote
  • gorilla
  • hare
  • hawk
  • marmot
  • dolphin
  • mammoth
  • toad
  • cobra
  • viper
  • codfish
  • ostrich
  • lobster
  • pronghorn antelope
  • cheetah
  • rhinoceros
  • water buffalo
  • frog
  • humming bird
  • giraffe
  • plover
  • clam
  • orangutan
  • mastodon
  • finch

动物分类 Types of Animals

All animals belong to a biological kingdom called kingdom Animalia. This kingdom is then broken down into over 30 groups, or phyla (plural form of phylum). About 75% of all species on Earth are animals. Animals are then broken down into two types: vertebrates and invertebrates.

  • Animals with a backbone are vertebrates.
  • Vertebrates belong to the phylum called Phylum Chordata. 脊椎动物属于脊索动物门。
  • Vertebrates are further broken down into five classes: amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, and reptiles.
  • Animals without a backbone are invertebrates.
  • Most invertebrates are in the phylum Arthropoda.(节肢动物门)

无脊椎动物 invertebrates(caterpillars)

Approximately 95% of all animals are invertebrates. Invertebrates do not have a backbone. There are different types of invertebrates, but they all share a few characteristics.

  • They are made up of many cells that work together or are multicellular.
  • Most, but not all, have tissues, cells that work together in a more complex way.
  • Most, but not all, can move.
  • There are over 35 phyla of invertebrates.
  • They generally have soft bodies.

Examples of Invertebrates: Most invertebrates are insects, but there are over one million species of invertebrates in the world.

  • anemone (cnidaria)
  • clams (mollusca)
  • coral (cnidaria)
  • crabs (arthropoda)
  • earthworms (annelida)
  • flatworms (platyhelminthes)
  • insects (arthropoda)
  • jellyfish (cnidaria)
  • leeches (annelida)
  • roundworms (nematoda)
  • sea urchins (echinodermata)
  • snails (mollusca)
  • spiders (arthropoda)
  • sponges (porifera)
  • squid (mollusca)
  • starfish (echinodermata)
  • tapeworms (platyhelminthes)

arthropods 节肢动物(🦐shrimps,🦀️,crabs, 蜕皮,没有骨骼,有硬皮,吃小的动物,小植物,碎屑)

Most invertabes are arthropods.

有脊椎动物 vertebraes

爬行动物 reptile(snakes, lizards)

Reptiles are thought to be the first vertebrates to live completely on land. But, not all reptiles live only on land today.

  • They are cold-blooded, or ectothermic(异温,外温).
  • They lay eggs to reproduce.
  • They have four legs or are descended from animals with four legs.
  • They breathe through lungs.
  • Their bodies are covered in scales or scutes(鳞片).


  • crocodiles
  • geckos
  • lizards
  • sea turtles
  • snakes
  • tortoises
  • turtles

两栖动物 Amphibians and reptiles

You can find examples of amphibians all around the world. In some cases, examples of amphibians seem like the same animals, but they can be quite different like a frog and a toad.

  • frogs
  • newts
  • salamanders
  • toads
  • crocodiles
  • bask in the sun 晒太阳; the quickest way to gain heat.
  • hydrophobic 不易被水沾湿的
  • tadpoles 蝌蚪
  • strand 使滞留
  • wary 小心翼翼的
  • lash out 猛击,猛踢
  • brutal 野蛮的

鱼类 fish(水中,上游产卵,用腮呼吸)

Fish are also vertebrates, and they are considered the oldest-known vertebrates.

  • They are ectothermic, or cold-blooded, which means they rely on their surroundings to regulate their body temperature.
  • Fish have fins.
  • Most, but not all, fish have bodies covered in scales and breathe through gills.
  • Fish live underwater.

Examples of Fish There are over 30,000 species of fish alive today, more than all other vertebrate groups combined.

  • eels
  • hagfish
  • lampreys
  • minnows
  • rays
  • salmon
  • seahorses
  • sharks
  • crop 嗉; with his crop still full of fish

The eggs are ready to hatch.


Fresh water presents particular challenges for fish.

Nutrients can be in very short supply in spring water, so here fish must take every chance they can to find food.

The rain that falls on these Kenyan hills percolates(渗透) through the rocks.

鸟类 birds(孵蛋,视力好,听力好)

Birds are some of the most recognizable animals, and you probably see different types of birds every day.

  • albatrosses
  • chickens
  • hummingbirds
  • falcons
  • flamingoes
  • ostriches
  • owls
  • parrots
  • penguins
  • pigeons

哺乳动物 Mammals(胚胎,吃奶,养育时间长,肺呼吸,海豚,人,牛马羊)Milk/Social Bond/Cooperation

Mammals are another type of vertebrate that belong to the class Mammalia.

A warm body, fur, milk and maternal care are essential for Weddell seal’s survival in this freezing environment. And those qualities have helped the mammals to colonise the entire globe.

frenzied activity 狂乱的活动

To get all the food she needs, she has to be both industrious and ingenious. 为了得到所需的食物,她必须既勤劳又聪明。

on the prowl 找食物

  • Young mammals get nourishment from milk produced by their mothers.
  • Most mammals have hair.
  • Their jaw is hinged directly to their skull, unlike all other vertebrates.(与其他脊椎动物不同,它们的下颌直接与头骨铰接。)
  • Almost all mammals give birth to live babies.
  • They are endothermic(吸热), or warm-blooded(热血).

Examples of Mammals There are over 5,500 living species of mammals all over the world.

  • aardvarks
  • bats
  • elephants
  • hamsters
  • humans
  • rabbits
  • rhinoceroses
  • whales

Hard words

  • partake: eat or drink (something).
  • trek 跋涉;trek to their feeding site.
  • gel-like 凝胶状
  • oily 油腻的
  • thin 瘦
  • replenish 补充
  • lethal tentacles 致命的触手
  • lurk 潜伏


Camouflage 伪装

the disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surroundings.


Scavenger 食腐动物

an animal that feeds on carrion, dead plant material, or refuse. 以腐肉、死去的植物材料或垃圾为食的动物。

食腐动物是指主要靠进食被残留的尸体和腐肉——而不是新鲜杀死的猎物——来获取肉食维生的动物,比如秃鹫、秃鹳、鬣狗、狼獾、豺、蛆虫等。事实上绝大部分的掠食性动物都会在缺乏食物的时候食腐。 另外亦有以腐木、腐植质维生的草食性食腐动物,称为食碎屑动物,通常都是无脊椎动物,比如蚯蚓、马陆、䖴虫、蛞蝓、潮虫等。


Biology class: Snowshoe hare’s adaptation to the environment(100%)

The snowshoe hare is a rabbit animal.

First, it uses camouflage to survive in its environment. When the daylight becomes shorter, its fur turns from brown to white. Because land is often covered with snow in the winter, the white color could be like snow, and it’s harder for predators to find it.

Another special thing is that snowshoe hares don’t need to keep fat or store food during the winter, because food is easily available and reachable.

Although I probably should mention that technically a hare is not exactly the same as a rabbit, even though it is very similar the primary difference is that a rabbit’s young are born blind and without fur, while a hare’s babies are born with a full coat and able to see.

Now, another advantage related to this is that unlike many animals in winter, snowshoe hares can stay lean and light weight(保持苗条和体重轻).

Lion(BBC Dynasty)

Every lion has its own unique set of whisker spots.

Poisoning is one of the biggest threats lions face across Africa today.

Lions are the very image of majesty. 狮子是威严的象征。

commotion 骚动

Now the odds have changed 现在胜算已经改变

matriarchal society

stalk 悄悄走近

downwind 下风头

But the key to a successful ambush is not being noticed.

wildebeest 角马

herdsmen 牧民

poison bait 毒饵

Tigar(BBC Dynasty)

  • dense thickets for concealment 茂密的灌木丛用于隐蔽
  • an open grassland full of prey
  • but her prey are always on high alert
  • As evening draws in
  • could put them in danger
  • The night shift are already on the prowl 夜班已经在忙碌了
  • A sloth bear 一只懒熊
  • a relentless challenge 无情的挑战
  • relentless 坚韧的,不屈不挠的;残酷无情的,不留情面的;不停的,不间断的
  • to rear a family to adulthood 养育
  • encircled by human settlements 环绕的
  • This is an unusually high density
  • Competion for space is intense
  • Scarred faces are evidence of battles between rivals.
  • peril 危险
  • territory marking 领地标记
  • marks the territory 标记领地
  • An amorous male peacook 一只多情的雄孔雀
  • For now, the demands of her young family must take precedence 目前,她年轻家庭的要求必须优先考虑
  • rough and tumble 颠簸
  • The family has left the den for good. 这家人已经永远离开了巢穴。
  • The cubs are now strong enough to follow their mother.
  • She must now start on their education.
  • She shows them around her territory.
  • And most importantly, introduces them to a new diet. 17:00

Albatross(sea birds nest on islands)

Albatross are seabirds that nest on islands and forage(饲料) for food out in the open sea.

  • long distance flying expert(9,000 miles)
  • long distance fly in search for food.
  • lay one egg at a time
  • build nests on remote islands away from predators
  • How did they find food and come back in such a long distanct. Unknown, hard to research.
  • How did birds navigate: 1. magnetic field. 2. stars. 3. buildings and landscapes
  • dynamic soaring, 动力滑翔
  • chick 小鸟
  • magnetite 磁铁矿

seasonal migration. 季节迁徙

foraging trip. 觅食旅途

Professor: Now usually when we talk about birds flying long distances, we’re discussing seasonal migration.


But there’s some species that fly long distances not as part of a migration but as part of their regular foraging for food.


A great example is the albatross.


So we’re thinking that albatross could make use of two different kinds of compasses if you will, a magnetic compass and a celestial compass.


But the problem is that we’ve also found magnetite in non-migratory birds, which suggests that it may in fact serve a completely different function,


tetrapod evolution

Domesticated animals

captivity 囚禁

And we said it’s the process whereby a population of animals is bred in captivity and becomes accustomed to being provided for and controlled by humans. 这就是我们说的一群动物被人类关起来,并且逐渐被驯化,被人类所控制,为人类提供生活物质的过程。

In fact, at least two of the other subspecies are known to be relatively friendly, but the Fertile Crescent subspecies had, well, a head start because of its proximity(靠近,亲近) to the first human settlements.


And as agriculture spread, the tamed ancestors of this subspecies spread with it.


Hierarchical structure of animals


This type fish account for 95% of the fish in Antarctic Area, the southern ocean of Earth.

The water in Antarctic Area is very cold, and it’s below freezing point, most fish can not survive in this area. However, the notothenioids has a kind gene that can generate a type of protein, which can help prevent them from freezing, it’s a kind of antifreeze in its blood.

ecological vacuum(niche): niche 指的是一个生存区域,在这个区域,生物生存很舒服,没有竞争。比如不同种类的猴子,生活在树的不同部位,上、中、下,互相之间没有直接竞争。

Role of Play in Development(鸟类,哺乳动物的玩耍的重要性,非常好的一篇文章)

  • Although play often resembles aggression, flight, or other purposeful activities, researchers do not agree on the reasons for and functions of play.
  • Energy expenditure and security risks are some of the costs to animals of play behavior, but the costs are not so great that they outweigh the long-term benefits of play to the species.
  • As experiments and observations have shown, animals that play at some stage of their development obtain neurological, muscular, or social benefits from the play behaviors.

Prey species, like young deer or goats, for example, typically play by performing sudden flight movements and turns, whereas predator species, such as cats, practice stalking, pouncing, and biting. 猎物物种,例如幼鹿或山羊,通常通过突然的飞行动作和转身来玩耍,而捕食者物种,例如猫,则练习跟踪、猛扑和咬人。

courtship and mating 求偶和交配

They need to learn how to be dominant and submissive because each monkey might have to play either role in the future. 他们需要学习如何占主导地位和顺从,因为每只猴子将来都可能扮演这两种角色。

aggressive or predator behaviors 攻击性或捕食行为

Thus, many species have evolved clear signals to delineate playfulness. 因此,许多物种已经进化出清晰的信号来描述嬉戏。


  • sac 囊
  • shrink 收缩
  • blend in 融入
  • flatten out
  • projection 凸起
  • squirt out 喷出

Octpus - camouflage(伪装)

An Octpus can protect itself by changing its form. There are three ways to change its form.

The first is to change its color. The second is to change its texture. The 3rd is to change its size and shape.

she carefully tends her precious brood 她精心照料着她珍贵的子女

devoted mother 产子后,保护幼子直到孵化,然后母亲死亡

tend(照料) the young

Tiny goby

intent on doing/noun 专注于某事 I was so intent on my work that I didn’t notice the time.

But one fish comes from the ocean, intent on colonising these streams.(goby) It’s a tiny goby, and it’s a rock climber.

They clamber on, ever upwards against the flow. 他们逆流而上,不断地往上爬。