Topic: Food and Cooking

食物和消化 - 英语讨论



  • crops 农作物
  • staple 主食
  • cereal 谷类
  • staple crop
  • corn 🌽
  • sunflowers 🌻
  • lettuce 🥬生菜
  • squash 西葫芦
  • plums 李子
  • gourds 葫芦
  • tobacco 烟草
  • dish/dishes 盘子/菜
  • munu 菜单
  • wine list 饮料单
  • vegetarian 素食主义者
  • vegetables 蔬菜
  • starter
  • main course
  • tip(money for the waiter)
  • book(reserve)
  • dessert 甜点
  • staple food 主食
  • staple
  • mill 磨, 磨坊, 厂
  • grain 粮食
  • grind 研磨谷物
  • metabolic 新陈代谢
  • enzyme 酶
  • catalyst 催化剂
  • carbohydrate 碳水化合物
  • protein 蛋白质
  • lipid 脂质(胆汁乳化)
  • oil fat
  • calcium 钙
  • iron 铁
  • dietary fiber 能消化的纤维
  • alimentary canal 消化路
  • mouth
  • esophagus 食道
  • husbandry 畜牧业
  • sericulture production of silk, rearing and processing silk worms to create silk.
  • hunter-gatherer, person who gets food by using a combination of hunting, fishing, and foraging(觅食).
  • beverage 饮料

Grain is the harvested seed of grasses such as wheat, oats, rice, and corn. Other important grains include sorghum, millet, rye, and barley. Around the globe, grains, also called cereals, are the most important staple food. Humans get an average of 48 percent of their calories, or food energy, from grains.
谷物是小麦、燕麦、水稻和玉米等草类收获的种子。 其他重要的谷物包括高粱、小米、黑麦和大麦。 在全球范围内,谷物,也称为谷物,是最重要的主食。 人类平均 48% 的卡路里或食物能量来自谷物。

食材 ingredients

  • shrimp
  • pasta 意大利面
  • lamb 羊羔肉
  • noodles 面条
  • burger 汉堡
  • beef 牛肉
  • steak 牛排,鱼排
  • potato
  • toast 吐司
  • crisps 油炸土豆片
  • waffles 蛋奶烘饼,威化饼
  • cereal 麦片,谷类植物
  • squash 南瓜,压碎🎃(pumpkin)
  • beans 豆类
  • turkey 火鸡
  • peanuts 花生
  • fried potatoes 炸土豆
  • millet 小米
  • Nightshade: the Nightshade family is a category of plants which also includes many that you wouldn’t want to eat, like mandrake, belladonna, and even tobacco.
  • fried beefburger 炸牛肉汉堡
  • white bread
  • chips 薯条
  • grilled beef steak 烤牛排
  • fried cod 炸鳕鱼
  • roast chicken
  • boiled potatoes
  • bacon 咸肉,熏肉
  • milk
  • baked beans
  • yoghurt
  • boiled cabbage
  • lettuce
  • margarine
  • butter
  • peanuts
  • samosa
  • chocolate
  • cheddar cheese
  • grilled bacon
  • table sugar
  • grilled pork sausages
  • cornflakes
  • rice
  • spaghetti
  • cuttlefish noodle
  • balcony 包厢


  • porridge 粥

调味料 seasoning/spices(东南亚,东印度)

India contributes to 75% of global spice production.

  • sauce 酱
  • vinegar 醋
  • aromatic 芳香的
  • pepper 胡椒粉
  • cloves 丁香
  • ginger 姜
  • cinnamon 肉桂
  • maize 玉米
  • nutmeg 肉豆蔻
  • tomato sauces 蕃茄酱

Describing food 味道 tastes

  • sour 酸
  • bitter 苦
  • sweet 甜
  • spicy 辛辣的
  • salty 咸的
  • tasty: has lots of taste: a positive word
  • bland: without strong taste: neutral in flavour
  • hot/spicy: lots of spice, e.g. curry
  • fresh: recently produced
  • tender: easy to cut; a positive word used to describe meat
  • fatty: meat with a lot of fat
  • fattening: food which makes you put on weight/ get fat
  • spoiled meat 变质的肉


  • boil: in water, e.g. carrots
  • fry: in oil or butter above the heat, e.g. sausages
  • steam 蒸
  • roast: in the oven using oil, e.g. meat
  • bake: in the oven without oil, e.g. cakes
  • grill: under the heat, e.g. toast or meat
  • stew 炖

As grilling uses high temperatures, it requires less time. Roasting, on the other hand, is a slow heating process and needs much more time.


  • oven 烤箱
  • pan 平底锅
  • microwave 微波炉
  • furnace 暖气锅炉,熔炉

starch 淀粉

  • -ase 酶的后缀

  • -ose 糖的后缀

  • starch 淀粉(用iodine来测淀粉),suspension in water

  • staple 主要的,主食(很多都是淀粉),订书机

  • glucose 葡萄糖

  • amylase 淀粉酶

  • maltase 麦芽糖酶

  • fructose 果糖

  • lactose 乳糖

  • sucrose 蔗糖

  • polymer of glucose 葡萄糖聚合物

  • insoluble molecule 不溶性分子(酯类,lipid)

  • glycogen 糖原

  • cellulose 纤维素(芹菜)

  • protein 蛋白质

  • roughage 粗粮

  • constipation 便秘

  • colitis 大肠炎

  • bowel 肠,内部

  • lipid 酯类(oil and fat)

  • saturated fat 饱和脂肪,容易堵塞血管

  • cholesterol 胆固醇

  • kwashiorkor n. 夸希奥科病;蛋白质营养不良

  • amino acids 氨基酸

  • collagen 胶原蛋白

  • keratin 角质

  • haemoglobin 血红蛋白

  • enzyme 酶

  • precipitation 沉淀

  • copper sulfate 硫酸铜

  • copper oxide 氧化铜

  • tripod 三脚架

  • gauze 纱布

  • beaker 烧杯

  • water bath 水浴

  • cloudy orange

  • brick red

  • precipitate 沉淀

  • Bunsen burner 本生灯

  • fructose 果糖

  • a small spatula measure of glucose 一小勺葡萄糖

  • biuret test 比氏试验:一种用于检测蛋白质存在的化学试验,通过观察生物素酰胺反应产物的颜色变化来判断。

  • powered egg white(albumen) 蛋清(蛋白)

  • potassium hydroxide solution 氢氧化钾溶液

  • a purple color develops 紫色出现了

  • hydroxide 氢氧化物, 羟化物

  • fat, oil, insoluble in water, dissolve in ethanol(alcohol)

  • visking 人造肠衣

  • bladder 膀胱

starch to glucose by amylase and maltase


  • carbon 碳
  • hydrogen 氢
  • oxygen 氧
  • nitrogen 氮
  • sulfur 硫
  • iron 铁(血氧蛋白)
  • hemoglobin 血红蛋白(血红蛋白又称血红素,俗称血色素,是高等生物体内红色含铁的携氧结合蛋白。)
  • calcium 钙, making teeth and bones, dairy products, fish, bread, vegetables
  • phosphorus 磷(鬼火)
  • sodium 钠 salt
  • chlorine 氯 salt
  • magnesium 镁
  • iron 铁
  • rickets 佝偻病
  • anaemia 贫血(症);无活力;脸色苍白
  • anemia 贫血;贫血症
  • scurvy 坏血病
  • lime juice 青柠汁
  • limey 莱米

Vitamin 维他命

  • riboflavin 核黄素 维生素B2
  • B1 thiamine
  • B2 riboflavin
  • B3, niacin
  • A, making a chemical in the retina; also protects the surface of the eye
  • effect of deficiency: night blindness, damaged cornea of eye
  • beri-beri 脚气

Digestive system 消化系统

Digestive system

  • digestive tract(the gut) 消化道
  • alimentary 营养的,消化性的
  • alimentary canal 消化道
  • nutrients 营养素
  • proteins 蛋白质
  • mouth 嘴
  • tongue 舌头
  • chew 咀嚼
  • saliva 唾液
  • enzymes 酶
  • Pharynx(throat) 咽
  • oesophagus(gullets) 食管
  • esophageal sphincter 食管括约肌
  • Stomach 胃
  • liquid or paste 液体或糊状
  • pancreas 胰腺, release enzymes, 中和胃酸, neutralizing stomach acid
  • liver 肝, release bile, process and purify the blood, secret bile
  • bile 胆汁, to help absorb fats and to carry waste from the liver that cannot pass through the kidneys. emulsifying lipids 变成乳状
  • gall bladder 胆囊,store bile
  • bile ducts 胆管
  • duodenum 十二指肠(胃进入小肠的一段)
  • jejunum 空肠
  • ileum 回肠(小肠进入大肠的一段)
  • colon 结肠(外围绕一圈)
  • secret 秘密,分泌
  • small intestine(small bowel): 小肠, 200 feet long, workhorse of the digestive system
  • villus/villi 绒毛
  • large intestine(colon) 大肠, five to seven foot long, processing waste
  • Rectum 直肠
  • anus 肛门, consists of pelvic floor muscles and two anal sphincters(由骨盆底肌肉和两个肛门括约肌组成)
  • carbohydrates 碳水化合物
  • fats 脂肪
  • emulsion 乳液,乳胶
  • faeces(poo) 大便
  • poo 大便
  • pee 小便
  • urine 尿
  • stool 粪便,凳子, if there is stool to be evacuated, be excreted from the body.
  • defecation 排便
  • gastric acids 胃酸
  • valve 阀门
  • prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases
  • gastrointestinal 胃肠的
  • trachea 气管
  • circular muscle 环肌
  • contract 合同
  • relax 放松
  • peristalsis 蠕动
  • longitudinal muscle layer
  • circular musclelayer
  • squeeze
  • wave of muscle contraction
  • abdomen 腹部
  • absorb 吸收
  • gut 肠道
  • coil up 卷起
  • saliva 唾液
  • moisten 濡
  • chew
  • gullet 食道
  • oesophagus(esophagus) 食管
  • pepsin 胃蛋白酶
  • trypsin 胰岛素
  • peptidase 肽酶
  • lipid 脂质,油脂
  • secretes hydrochloric acid 分泌盐酸
  • protease 蛋白酶
  • sphincter muscle 括约肌
  • epithelium 上皮细胞
  • lymphatic 淋巴
  • lacteal 乳状的
  • excretion 排泄(细胞级别)
  • egestion/digestion 排泄/消化(消化道级别)

Key facts

  • The digestive system breaks down food and absorbs nutrients for energy and growth.
  • It is a long tube starting from your mouth, going all the way to your anus(肛门).
  • Common digestive health conditions are gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), diverticulitis, stomach ulcers, and haemorrhoids. 常见的消化系统健康状况包括胃食管反流病 (GORD)、憩室炎、胃溃疡和痔疮。

What is the digestive system?

The digestive system is made up of the digestive tract (the gut) and other organs like the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. It is where your body breaks down food and absorbs nutrients. The digestive system is a long, twisting tube that starts at the mouth and goes through the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and ends at the anus.

The digestive system breaks down food into simple nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These can then be absorbed into your blood, so your body can use them for energy, growth and repair. Anything that isn’t used is waste, and leaves the body as faeces (poo).

How does my digestive system work?

Each organ of your digestive system has an important role in digestion.

When you eat, your teeth chew food into small pieces. Glands(腺体) in your cheeks(脸颊) and under your tongue make saliva(唾液) that coats the food. This makes it easier to chew and swallow. Saliva also contains enzymes that start to digest the carbohydrates in food.

Your oesophagus is a tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach, after it is swallowed. A ring of muscle at the end of the oesophagus lets food into your stomach and stops stomach contents from going back up to the oesophagus.

Your stomach breaks down food with liquid (gastric acids) to help with digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Small intestine
The small intestine of an adult is around 5 metres long and made up of many bends(弯曲) and folds(折叠). The large surface area helps proteins, fatty acids, sugars, vitamins and minerals pass through its wall into the blood. Most of the chemical digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, happens in the small intestine.

Large intestine, rectum and anus
Your large intestine absorbs water, minerals and vitamins. Undigested fibre is mixed with mucus and bacteria, which breaks down some of the fibre to keep the large intestine healthy. Solid bowel motions (faeces, or poo) are formed and stay in the last part of the large intestine (the rectum) before leaving the body through the anus as a bowel movement.

