Roots give the core meaning of words.
- carni 肉
- vore 吃
- herbi 草
- grani 谷物
- frug: fruit
- gram: grass
- nectar: juice
- omni: everything
- fer: 推
- ter: 土地;deter 阻拦
- pul: 反抗,推
- pel: 推,打
- tract: 拉
- peril: 危险
- credit: 信用
- duct: 引导,导管
- acr: topmost
- arch/prot: first
- hydro: water
- chron: time
- ger/paleo: old
- horo: hour
- macro/mega: large
- meter: measure(altimeter)
- li: stone
- micro: small, microbe
- morph: form; metamorphosis, anthropo
- neo: new; neophyte新手
- pan: all; panacea万能药
- ped: foot; pedometer计步器
- poly: many; polyglot会多种语言
- tele: far off; telescope, telephone
- hydro: water
- anthrop: human
- logy: study
- bio: life; biosphere
- dem: people; democracy
- gen: race; genetics, eugenics优生学
- eu: good
- helio: sun; heliotrope
- ichthy: fish
- ornith: bird
- ped: foot
- phyt: plant;
- polit: citizen;cosmopolitan
- pyr: fire火; pyrogenic
- soma: body; somatic
- thermo: heat; thermostat
- zoo: animal; zoology
- archy/cracy: rule by
- biblio: book
- dox: belief; orthodox
- gam: marriage
- graph: writing/drawing
- ideo: idea;ideology意识形态
- logy: study of
- nom: rule; autonomy
- onym: name
- orama: view
- path: feeling
- psycho: mind
- theo: god
- soph: wisdom
- android: robot
- thermo: heat
Latin roots(罗马词根):
- nom: name
- ig: ignore/disgrace
- alt: high; altitude
- ann: year; biannual
- brev: short
- centr: center
- dors: back
- fin/term: final
- magni: large
- med: middle
- multi: many
- nihil: nothing
- omni: all
- pend: weigh 挂
- sed/sess: sit
- ten/tin: hold
- vid: vis: see
- ver: 转
- bene: good
- dict: say
- -cide: kill/cut
- tomy: cut
- matri: mother
- patri: father
- infant: baby
- fast: 不吃/勒紧裤腰带/勒紧
- inter: 埋葬
- circum: 周边,围绕
- jack: 千斤顶
- amble: 马遛弯儿
- ramble: 羊遛弯儿
- fer: 手
- fuse: 金属熔化,保险丝
- fume: 冒烟,冒气,发怒
- loc/loque: 说,talk,唠嗑
- nav: 海军,航行
- polar: 极地
- rotate: 转
- scribe: 写
- spect: 周边看
- vent: 走,went,风口
- gon: 图形
- ac,ag 做,移动,推动
- ambul, amble: 行走,移动
- ann: 年
- aqua: 水
- audi: 听
- aug, auc, aux: 增强,创始
- bio: 生命
- bon, bene: 好
- cad,cas,cid: 落下
- cap, cep, ceive: 抓取,掌握,获取,得到
- cap: 头
- carn, corp: 肉,肉体,身体,主体
- cade,ceed,cess: 走,服从
- cide, cis: 切,杀
- calm, claim: 叫喊,大叫
- claud,claus,close: 关闭
- cord,card: 心
- cres: 变大,增加,增长
- cred: 相信,信用,信任
- cur, curs,cours: 跑,流
- demo: 人
- dict: 说;讲,告诉,指派
- doc: 教导
- domin: 上帝,统治,管理
- don, dat: 给予,施舍
- duc, duct: 引导,引入,带来
- equa: 相等的
- erg: 工作,造成
- eu: 好
- fac,fic,fect,fact,fict,fy: 做,制造
- fer: 携带,承受
- fid: 信任
- flor: 花
- fin: 结束,边界
- flu: 流动
- fort: 强的,有力的
- gen, kin: 出生,性别,种族
- geo:土地
- grad, gred: 步,走,阶梯
- graph, gram: 写,画
- grat: 感激,令人满意的
- hab: 有;持有
- jud, jur, jus: 正确,法律,公正
- lect, leg, lig: 选择,收集,读
- leg: 法律
- log,loq: 说话,讲,字,理性
- luc, lux: 光
- man: 手
- med, mid: 中间的,中央的
- mem: 记得,记住的
- meter, metri: 测量
- mit, miss: 送出,派
- mob, mot, mov:移动
- mort: 死亡
- nasc, nat:出生
- nov, neo: 新
- par:相等
- pass, path, pati: 感受,承受
- phone: 声音
- plen, plet, ply: 满
- plic, plex, ply: 折叠
- poli: 城市
- pon, pos: 放置
- popul, publ 人
- port: 搬运,负担
- press: 压
- prin, prim: 最先,主要,统治
- quer, quest, quir: 寻,问,请求
- rect: 正确,直的
- scop: 看,观察
- rect, reg: 领导,统治
- rupt: 破裂,打破
- sect: 切
- spect: 看
- spir: 呼吸,精神,气息
- sist,st,stitute: 站,放置,安置
- temp: 时间
- tain, ten, tent: 伸展,奋力
- termin: 结束中止
- tract: 拉,伸
- van, vac: 空
- ven: 来;到来
- vert,vers: 旋转,转向
- vic, vinc: 征服赢得
- vic, vis: 看
- vita: 生命
- volu, volv: 转,卷
Affixes 词缀
- in/il/im/ir: in/into/not
- de: 向下
- extra: 过多的,外部
- phil: love
- a: not, without
- anthro: man
- anti: against
- aster/astro: star
- auto: self
- biblio: book 石板
- bio: life
- chrom: color
- chron: time
- cosmo: universe
- dem: people
- eu: good
- gee,geo: earth
- graph, gram: writ
- hydro: water
- hyper: over
- hypo: under
- micro: small
- mis: hate
- mono: one
- epi: 表皮
- pan: all
- peri: around
- phil: love
- phob: fear
- poly: many
- per: 穿透
- pseudo: false
- psycho: mind
- syn, sym: together
- tele: distance
- theo: god
- arch: 权力,拱
- cata: stone,钙
- li: 白石头; lime, limpid
- de: down
- e: out
- ex: out
- inter: between, 埋葬
- infra: under
- mal: bad
- male: evil
- ob: toward
- per: through
- post: after
- ante/anti: before
- trans: 穿越
- lu/lav/lau: wash; laundry/launder/lavatory/ablution
Suffixes 后缀
- -able/-ible 能
- -age: 数量,关系,状态,行动,住处,费用
- -an, -ian,-ean, -ese, -ain: 什么地方的人,…时期的人,精通…的人
- -al: 属于…,具有…性质的
- -ance: 性质,状况
- -ard: 人,具有贬义
- -arium: 地方,名次后缀
- -ate: 使成为,有…性质,像…
- -ation: 动作,状态,结果
- -cy: 性质,状态,职位
数字 Number
- uni: 1; unicycle, cycle with one wheel
- bi: 2; bicycle, cycle with two wheels
- tri: 3; tripod, three-legged stand
- quad: 4; quadrangle, four-sided figure
- penta: 5; pentameter, five-sided figure
- hexa: 6; hexagon, six-sided figure
- hepta: 7; heptateuch, the first seven books of the Hebrew Bible
- oct: 8; octet, a group of eight, usually singers
- nov: 9; novena, Roman Catholic prayers or services conducted on nine consecutive days.
- deca: 10; decathlon, ten-event athletic contest
- eleven-sided polygon 11边形
- score: 20