Vocabulary: TOEFL Listening Conversation




Conversation 课上/课下

上课:考试,学习,图书馆,论文,作业等 下课:生活,租房,活动

  1. 主旨
  2. 问题原因
  3. 老师的看法
  4. 重听题
  5. 解决方法




  1. 借书还书等规章制度。借书还书规定,超期罚款,续借
  2. 图书馆设施使用。复印机,借还书柜台
  3. 购书流程。预定,折扣等
  4. 借书问题。要借的书没有,系统上有单实际上没有
  • check out 柜台完结性手续,出去
  • reserve system 预定系统
  • reserved books 预定的书
  • renew 延期
  • title index 标题列表
  • circulation desk 借还书柜台
  • loan desk 租借柜台
  • return 还书
  • due 到期
  • overdue fine 超期罚款
  • recall 召回
  • journal 学术期刊
  • electronic journal 电子期刊
  • shelf 书架
  • suspend 中止,暂停
  • paperback 普通装
  • hardback/hardcover 硬皮书,精装版
  • reference 参考文献
  • back issue 过刊
  • current issue 当前刊
  • student locker 学生储物柜
  • photocopy 复印
  • rare books 珍本(需要教授批条子)
  • borrowing policy 借款政策
  • closed reserve 封闭保存
  • information desk 咨询台
  • loan desk 租借柜台,借书台
  • stack 书架
  • audio-video center 多媒体中心
  • return area
  • periodical reading room 期刊阅览室
  • collection of rare books 珍藏本
  • abstract 摘要
  • index 索引
  • back issue 过刊
  • current issue 当前刊,现刊
  • photocopier 复印机
  • copying machine
  • two-sided copying
  • jammed 堵塞,复印机堵塞,卡纸
  • inter-library load
  • available
  • in circulation 在流通
  • check out 借出去
  • overdue 过期
  • renew 续借
  • borrowing privilege 借阅优先权
  • fine 罚款
  • put on reserve 在管预留(不可拿走)



  1. Teaching assistant, research assistant, lab assistant
  2. 家庭服务
  3. 与专业相关
  4. 实习
  • career
  • job fair 招聘会
  • interview
  • Resume & CV 简历
  • job opening 工作开放
  • job offer 工作邀请
  • salary & wage 月薪/周薪
  • paycheck 工资
  • payroll 工资名单
  • allowance 津贴(误差)
  • teaching assistant
  • research assistant
  • lab assistant
  • waiter(attendant)
  • work schedule
  • applicant
  • candidate
  • shift (换档 shift gear)换班儿
  • night shift 晚班
  • day shift 白班
  • training
  • employment
  • supervise
  • career service center
  • relevant experience
  • short term
  • opportunity
  • recruit & Hire
  • company
  • institution
  • organization
  • part-time job 兼职
  • full-time job 全职
  • intern/internship 实习生
  • look for a job
  • working conditions
  • advancement
  • promotion 升职
  • quit the job & resign 辞职
  • position
  • dismiss 解散


  1. 房子条件差
  2. 与室友难相处
  3. 有噪音
  4. 学校宿舍的管理制度
  • accommodation
  • dorm/dormitory 宿舍
  • apartment
  • resident & Tenant 租户
  • live off campus
  • live on campus
  • rent 租
  • laundry facility 洗涤设施
  • heating 供暖系统 heat up
  • clinic 诊所
  • home-stay 民宿
  • regulation & house rules
  • chaotic & messy 混乱无序
  • kitchen 厨房
  • washroom 洗手间
  • housing office 租房办公室
  • basement 地下室
  • roommate 室友
  • air conditioner 空调
  • park 停车场
  • hallway 走廊
  • commute 通勤
  • gym card 健身卡
  • entitle 授权
  • property 财产
  • appliances 家用电器
  • electric outlet 电源插座
  • faucet 龙头
  • plumbing 管道
  • housing office 住房办公室
  • apartment 公寓
  • lobby 大厅
  • rent 租
  • check in 报到
  • maintenance department 维修部
  • complain 投诉
  • replace 更换
  • repair/fix 维修
  • messy 凌乱
  • chaotic 吵闹
  • spacious 宽敞
  • floor supervisor 宿舍管理者
  • cramped 拥挤
  • tidy/neat 整洁
  • stained 污渍
  • rusty 生锈
  • custodian 管理人;监护人;保管人
  • dinning hall 餐厅
  • cafeteria 自助餐厅
  • meal plan 餐费/饮食计划
  • refreshment 下午茶,茶点
  • parking lot/area
  • recreation center 娱乐中心
  • tutoring center 家教中心
  • fitness center 健身中心
  • gym 健身房
  • administration office 行政楼
  • teaching building 教学楼
  • lecture hall 教学厅/阶梯教室
  • entitle sb. to do sth. 使某人有权利
  • jot down 记下


  1. 报到注册的时间
  2. 准备材料
  3. 可能遇到的问题(错过了时间,缺材料)
  • apply for
  • register
  • transfer
  • recommendation letter
  • transcript 成绩单
  • tuition & fee
  • fill out a form
  • public university
  • community college
  • expense
  • cost
  • financial aid
  • orientation 迎新会
  • exchange student 交换生
  • committee 委员会
  • sponsorship 赞助
  • requirement
  • grade point average(GPA)
  • eligible/qualified/capable
  • authorize 授权
  • evaluate 评估
  • brochure 小册子



  1. 课程太难
  2. 学生选课太多,跟不上
  3. 学生基础太差


So your admission to the Islamic art course was not contingent on(depend on) your completion of the art history course?


  • major course/minor course
  • selective/optional/elective course
  • deadline
  • get one’s signature/permission
  • required/compulsory course
  • prerequisite course
  • confirmation 确认涵
  • sign up for a course
  • enroll 加入课程
  • bulletin board 公告栏
  • take a course 参加一门课
  • introduction/intro
  • elementary course
  • intermediate course
  • advanced course
  • available
  • drop/ quit a course
  • schedule
  • credit 信用,学分
  • course arrangement
  • miss a course
  • skip a course
  • semester/term 学期
  • course guideline
  • sysllabus 大纲
  • handout 手册,上课资料
  • slide 幻灯片
  • lecture 讲座 大课
  • workshop & seminar & tutorial
  • workshop workshop
  • seminar 研讨会
  • attendance 出席
  • prerequisite 前提
  • transcript 成绩大
  • waive a course
  • deadline
  • credit
  • optional course & elective course
  • registrar 登记员
  • drop/quit 退课
  • load 负荷
  • advisor has been after me to take this course
  • I appreciate that 我很欣赏那个
  • intro to bio(introduction to biology)


  • final 期末考试
  • take home quiz 小论文
  • mid-term exam 期中考试
  • fail the exam 考试不及格
  • pop quiz 突击小测验
  • make-up exam 补考
  • retake 重修
  • interdisciplinary 交叉学科
  • review 复习
  • assess
  • do poorly in 成绩不好
  • placement test 分班考试,分级考试
  • cram 考前突击 把…塞进
  • freshman
  • sophomore
  • junior
  • senior
  • undergraduate
  • graduate & postgraduate
  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy)
  • degree
  • diploma
  • qualification
  • certificate


  • he is really a tough guy 他真是个硬汉
  • he takes no prisoner 他不俘虏
  • tough it out! 坚持下去!



  1. 题目选定
  2. 资料查找
  3. 论文格式
  4. 老师对论文的后续服务
  • assignment 作业
  • introduction
  • report & project & essay & paper
  • research approach
  • research method
  • survey & questionnaire
  • literature review
  • conclusion
  • format
  • data
  • hypothesis
  • presentation
  • analyze
  • thesis(硕士论文) & dissertation(博士论文)
  • draft & revise & proofread
  • field of study
  • abstract
  • outline
  • subject
  • submit
  • scope
  • hand in
  • summary
  • due date/ deadline
  • extension
  • requirement
  • term paper
  • senior thesis
  • scope 范围
  • proposed topics 提供的话题
  • straightforward/to the point 直截了当/切题
  • preliminary outline 初步大概
  • final outline 老师修改后的大纲
  • literature review 文章第一部分,文献综述,A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period. 对前人的所有研究做总结。
  • approach 研究方法
  • first draft 初稿
  • rewrite 修改
  • revised edition 修改版本
  • format 格式
  • systematic 调理清晰
  • citations 脚注
  • references 参考文献
  • final copy 定稿
  • soft copy 上交电子版
  • hard copy 打印版本
  • sumit/turn in/hand in
  • presentation 演讲
  • project
  • group project
  • split up .. into
  • due 到期的/到期




  • homesick 思乡
  • too high expectations 过高期待
  • overwhelmed 压力大
  • culture shock 文化冲击
  • transfer to another school
  • quit school 辍学
  • financial problem
  • apply for 申请
  • scholarship 奖学金
  • research fund 研究基金
  • grant 授权
  • a letter of recommendation 推荐信
  • academic year
  • major
  • minor
  • background
  • undergrad 本科生
  • graduate school 研究生院
  • graduate student = grad student 研究生
  • compliment 称赞


  • career fair 招聘会(了解公司信息,准备简历,准备问题,双向选择)
  • university employment office 就业办公室
  • internship/intern 实习
  • work-study student 勤工俭学的学生
  • financial aid 金融援助 financialad
  • job opening/vacancy
  • open spot 空位
  • part time 兼职
  • full time 全职
  • resume 简历
  • TA/RA: teaching assistant/research assistant
  • field trip 实地考察(野外科研活动)
  • receptionist 接待员,前台
  • morning shift 早班
  • night shift 晚班
  • switch shift 换班
  • customer service 客户服务
  • workload 工作负荷
  • work schedule
  • (a letter of) reference/recommendation


upper division course. 高级课程

survey course 概况课程

MALE ADVISER:I see. So your admission to the Islamic art course was not contingent on(取决于) your completion of the art history course? 男顾问:我明白了,所以你是否能参加伊斯兰艺术课程并不取决于你是否完成了艺术史课程。

Should I back up? 需要我补充一下么?

Employee: Oh, how come you waited so long to come in? 工作人员:哦,你怎么等了这么久才来呢?

But it’s been filled now. 但是现在这个岗位的人都满了

drop/quit a job 放弃一个工作

could you possibly check? 你能确认一下吗?(通常是查电脑)

I know it’s a long shot(希望不大的嘗試)。 我知道这是一个很遥远的事情(可能不会成功)

janitorial staff. 清洁员


it sounds totally over my head. 这听起来完全超出了我的想象。

I don’t have to go into that now. 我现在不必深入讨论这个。

Coordinator: That’s not really my call. 协调员:这确实是我决定不了的事。

rule of a thumb 经验法则

something just came into my mind and went out the other side(我刚才想说什么来着)

thanks for seeing me on such short notice. 如此短时间能见我。

impersonal 非个人的,没人情味


What’s the verdict? 结论是什么?

Professor: OK. Well, you make a compelling case.


I can’t wait to hear more about this when you deliver your report.


Scientific explanations are sometimes contrary to what people might expect.


Student: Well, I am stopping by to reserve a place for my school club that meet and work, pretty much on a regular basis(定期).

Ideally, our preference would be to have our own office.

Boom Town in the 1800s to a Ghost town, 19世纪的繁荣之城变成了鬼城,

first-hand accounts 第一手资料

brochure 小册子

Professor: Well, the primary goal of the Global Enrichment Initiative is simply cultural exchange so students who have never been overseas before can broaden their perspective.

Employee: Because used books show wear and tear, you know, water stains, scruffy covers, yellow highlighting…员工:因为二手书会显示磨损,你知道,水渍,破旧的封面,黄色的突出。。。

Student: And what if you decide the book is too beat-up(破旧的) and don’t buy it back?

Tell me about it! 代表老师理解学生的问题(说说吧,共情)

The scope(范围):文章/话题范围