Vocabulary: Small Verbs and Movements



Sense: taste/taste, touch/feel, smell, hear/sound or see/look.

Perception: seem,appear

English Word Chinese Meaning
spit 吐出/喷
chew 咀嚼
grab 抓住
grasp 抓住
sieze 抓住
shoot 发射
stuck 卡住
rub 摩擦
spot 看,鸟从高空看
Dance 跳舞
Swim 游泳
Crawl 爬行
Punch 击打
Catch 抓住
Shake 摇动
Wave 挥手
Twist 扭转
Turn 转动
Lift 抬起
Drop 放下
Bend 弯曲
Stretch 伸展
Squeeze 挤压
Wink 眨眼
Nod 点头
Blink 眨眼
Hop 单脚跳
Skip 跳跃
Roll 滚动
scratch 抓/挠/划
swoop 猛扑
claw 爪子,抓
Grip 紧握
pierce 刺穿
spin 旋转
scream 尖叫
puff 吹;阵风,一吹
Skim 浏览
slam 猛撞(批评)
dizzy 眼花的
lit 点亮,发光的
rub 摩擦;robber橡皮
nibble 蚕食,轻咬
locomotion n. 移动,运动
tile n/v 瓦片,铺瓦
thaw v 解冻,融化
shed v 掉,流出,棚子
pour v 倒
stir 搅拌
clogge 堵塞

Onomatopoeia 拟声词


English Word Chinese Meaning
Sizzling 嘶嘶声(油煎时)
Splatter 溅泼
Crackling 噼啪声
Plop 噗嗵声 - 豆子落入碗中
Chop 劈,砍
Slice 切片
Crunchy 松脆的
Ping 砰声
Slurp 咕噜声
Munch 大声咀嚼
Sprinkle 撒, 洒, 喷
Chomp 狠咬
Gulp 痛快地喝一口
grapple 扭打
peel 剥皮
slide 滑动 ppt
stetch 拉伸
switch 开关,转换
bounce 反弹
clip 夹子,剪辑,回形针
strip 剥离

I screamed with shock and anger when I saw the mess he’d made of the kitchen.


Only sporadic fighting was reported elsewhere in the city, where government forces have been battling to halt a rebel offensive.

表示,意味着, to denote, to mean, sign that something is true.
The red coat he is wearing denoted he is in important position.




promote/prompt 促进推动

propel 推进,push,drive

imprint 铭记,印记


抱怨 complain


propose 建议,计划

replenish vt 添加,补充(supplement), to fill again
After eating all the cookies, she had to replenish the cookie jar by baking more.

scurry v 急跑(rush/dash)

simulate 模仿,模拟(often intent to decieve), (the look of…, environment) to make sth similar to the original.

emulate: to try to match or beat something in qualities or actions, to rival, 努力赶上, 消防

Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers. emulate the success of …

substantiate vt. verify 证实, to prove the truth of something.
How do you plan to substantiate your right to inherit the billionaire’s fortune?

trace vt 探索,痕迹,微量

alleviate 减轻,缓和(relieve)

desire v. 想要,渴望,愿望,欲望

deserve 值得,应得

distinguish 区别,出名,辨别

improvise vt. 即兴创作,临时准备(不提前看)π

rescue 营救,save

rupture 破裂,断绝

break 破坏

blush 脸红

clog 阻碍,阻塞

converge 汇聚,聚合 of a sequence, to have a limit, Of two or more entities, to approach each other, to get closer and closer.

cost 成本花费

curl 卷

detest v. hate 憎恶

expect 预期,期望,anticipate

remodel 改造,重新塑造

tender 温柔的,软的,给予,投标

transcend 超越

administer 管理,执行

apologize 道歉

bind 结合,绑定

construct 建造

detect 发现,察觉,探测

determin 决定

disseminate 散步传播

extend 延长

fasten 系紧

hatch 孵化

omit 省略

prefer 更喜欢


saturate 使充满,浸透(fill, soak)

rust 锈,生锈,使变迟钝

screen 审查

suspect 怀疑

summarize 概括,总结

underscore 强调

tolerate 忍受

afford 买得起,冒险做,提供

accredit 授权

access n/v 存取,使用,接近

afford vt 买得起,冒险做,提供

dehydrate vt 使脱水

despoil v. pillage,夺取,掠夺, to make a place less attractive especially by taking things away from it by force

engulf v. 吞没

illuminate 照亮lighten

implement 执行,实施

mock 嘲笑

postpone 推迟 延期

seep 漏出,渗漏

skip 跳

slip 滑

slice 切片

strain 张力 stress and strain

surge 汹涌奔腾,猛涨,澎湃

consume 消费

distribute v. 分配,发布

entitle 使有权; to give a legal right or claim to something; to give a particular title to something.
to prove the entitlement of my client to the property 证明我的客户有权获得该房产
My client is entitled to this property.(to give a legal right or claim to something)
This painting has been entitled appropriately.(to give a particular title to something)

fulfill v 履行,符合

hamper v. 妨碍 to delay progress; n. basket(Gift Hamper 礼物篮子)
Bad weather will hamper the rescue efforts.
The current situation will continue to hamper students to go to schools.

synonym: prevent; antonym: promote

Convince 说服
Did you convince Kevin to come to the party.

narrate 叙述

notion 观念,想法,概念




populate 居住于 dwell, inhabit, live, be an inhabitant of or reside in, fill with inhabitants

proofread 校对,校正revise

incinerate 焚化;烧成灰

wane 衰退,decline gradually;ebb
interest in the project waned.

acknowledge 承认,确认

applaud 鼓掌,喝彩

absorb 吸收(take in, engage)

carve 雕刻

confer 授予,赋予;商讨,交换意见,fer-take

He wanted to confer with his colleagues before reaching a decision.

enact: 颁布 put sth. into action, particularly a law. enact a ban, enact a policy. enact a plan/rule/policy

dictate 规定,决定,命令,口述,指示

emit 发射

ferment 发酵

exhaust v. 排放,耗尽 n.排气管

insult 凌辱,侮辱

pave 铺路 pave the way

rehearse 排练

resist 抵抗

revolt 反叛,起义

segregate 分割,隔离

thrive 茂盛,茁壮成长

yield 生产

announce 宣布

proclaim 宣布

commit 承诺,负责,犯错



depict 描述,描绘

guarantee 保证



ooze 渗出 leak seep

refurbish 重新装饰

remind 提醒

spark 火花,激发

resume 恢复

strip 剥夺,条状

stun 使晕倒

stunt 阻碍

thwart 阻碍 baffle, frustrate

vary v. 变化,改变

wither 枯萎,衰退

comply 遵守

comprise 服从

conceal 包含

conduct 隐蔽,隐瞒

crumple v. 弄皱

diagnose 诊断

dilate 膨胀扩大

generalize 概括

veil 隐藏 n. 面纱

unveil 揭开面纱

unravel: : to disengage or separate the threads of

acclaim 欢呼

coincide 巧合

comprehensive 全面的,综合的

involve 牵涉,包含

tame 驯服

convey 输送,传达

devise 设计,发明

dilute 稀释,淡化

impose 强加,征税

incinerate 焚化

inhibit 阻碍,抑制

forfeit 弃权;n. 罚款

fortify 使强壮,加强

wither 枯萎

comment, comply, comprise, conceal, conduct 评论、遵守、包含、隐瞒、行为

comment on sth.

comply the rules.

The book is comprised of 12 chapters. Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty.

conceal 隐藏

A is concealed under B.

conduct an experiment.

crumple 压垮

dilate 扩张
Red wine can help to dilate blood vessels. 红葡萄酒有助于扩张血管。 The lungs dilate in breathing. 呼吸时肺部扩张。

At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light. 晚上,瞳孔放大以便让更多的光线射入。

generalize 概括,归纳,一般化,推广,普及;笼统地表达

  • entangle 使纠缠;卷入;使混乱
  • tangle (使)纠结,(使)缠结

extrapolate 推断

Execrate 恨,hate

suspect 怀疑,推测

suspicion 怀疑

postulated 推测(suppose)

sketch 速写,素描,草图

disguise 伪装

deprecate 弃用,抨击,藐视

incite 鼓动,煽动 foment, stir up, instigate

deem 认为 = think

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purge 清除,净化

tease 取笑,逗弄

comprehend 理解,领会

scrub 擦洗; to scrub the floor

trample 踩踏

posit 断定

shatter 粉碎

secret 分泌

trigger 引发,诱发,导致

boost 提高

convict 定罪,宣判……有罪;n. 已决犯,服刑囚犯

calm v. 使平静; n. 平静

derive 获得,取得;起源于,来自;提取,衍生(化学物质)

domesticate 驯养;教化;引进

drag 拉,拖动 pull, move, haul

haul (用力)拖,拉;强迫(某人)去某处;费力前进,艰难地走;<非正式>迫使(某人)出庭受审;(用运载工具)运送,运输;<英>(费力地)升级;(尤指帆船)突然改变航道

elicit 引出,得到;<古>使(潜在的东西)显现,诱出

These differences may elicit different brain responses. 这些差异可能引起不同的大脑反应。

hide 隐藏

eviscerate 取出内脏;除去精华

lash 猛击,狠打;鞭打,抽打;怒斥,抨击;捆绑,捆扎;煽动,激励;(动物)用力甩动(尾巴)

quantify 量化

recharge 再次充电

lure 吸引,诱惑🫦

require 要求,需要

remark 评论(comment)

sprout 萌芽,长出

transplant 移植

undergo 经历,遭受

assign 指派;分配,布置作业

dismay 使担忧;使失望,使沮丧;使惊恐

defecate vi 排便;澄清

criticize 批评

glaze 上釉

explore 浏览/探索(石油勘探,寻找新资源)

exploit 利用/剥削(石油开发,利用已有资源)

While exploitation focuses on maximizing existing opportunities, exploration is about embracing the unknown and seeking out new possibilities.

confined 限制(在一个区域,限定,被迫的)

churn 搅动

culminate 到达顶峰

etched on 蚀刻在

underpin = support

oversight 监督 过失

windsome 风度翩翩

pressurize 加压(for airplane to remain pressurize all time)

opine 意见

tallying goods 理货

represent 代表,表现,描绘

rekindle 再点火,使再振作

swell 增大,膨胀

strike 敲打

undertake 承担,从事, to do, to guarantee to do, I guarantee you I will do, more formal than carry out. a big job

accelerate 使加快,加速

accumulate 积累 build up, collect

displace 取代,移位

formulate 阐明 制定

gibe 嘲弄

glean 搜集

ignore 忽视

manipulate 操作

portray 描绘

probe 探查

recruit 招募(新兵),征募

simplify 简化

spoil 破坏,变质

stash 藏匿;存放;贮藏

smelt 熔炼,冶炼;精炼

wane 衰弱,退去

suppress: to end something by force

surpass: to do or be better than

tarnish: to make or (especially of metal) become less bright or a different colour; to make people think that someone or something is less good

accuse(accused of): to say that somebody has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind.; He’s been accused of robbery/murder. Are you accusing me of lying? The surgeon was accused of negligence.

avoid: to stay away from someone or something; to prevent something from happening or to not allow yourself to do something. Unnecessary paperwork should be avoided.

scour 冲刷;擦;腹泻