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  • 一定要明确表达观点
  • 不基于考生的真实身份
  • 考察语言水平,不考察思想水平。(没有创新idea)
  • 写作考试不测试考生的真实的想法
  • 写作基于表达,而不是基于翻译
  • 写作不同于平时写作
  • 写作内容和语言同等重要(不要花哨)
  • 观点的层次比观点的数目更重要
  • 逻辑错误比语法错误更严重
  • 跑题你完蛋了
  • 适当写长
  • 25 words+ 的句子有3句以上


  • 写出来,写正确,写漂亮

  • 写作基本知识/应试技巧

  • The best structures

  • the best reasons

  • the best examples

  • the best sentences


翻译是expressing idea, 不是word by word translation.



The development of science and technology.

  • 使: enable/make
  • 人们:people
  • person: 非一般的人(鬼鬼祟祟)
  • people: 正常人
  • 非常:very/unusually/extraordinarily/uncommonly/suprisingly/amazingly/astonishingly/shockingly/dramatically/impressively/notably/remarkably/considerably/noticeably/strikingly/exceedingly/extremely/largely/crazyly/greatly/tremendously/significantly/enormously
  • 不可或缺/必须的: indispensable/necessary
  • 大: A great number/considerable/big


  • 越来越多: more and more, a growing number, an increaing number of, an expending number of, a rising number of(countable), a rising amount of(uncountable), in increasing amounts, the number of … is growing/increasing/rising

  • 越来越小: decrease/diminish/shrink

  • 可数:a number of …

  • 不可数:an amount of …

  • More and more butterflies.

  • A growing number of butterflies.

  • An incresing number of butterflies.

  • Pigs in decreasing numbers


  1. More and more parents spend more and more money on children’s education.
  2. A growing number of parents spend a growing amount of money on children’s education.
  3. Parents in growing numbers spend money in growing amounts on children’s education.
  4. The number of parents who spend a gowing amount of money on children’s education is growing.


  • realize/ learn/ be aware of / know / understand


  • environmental protection

A growing number of people realize that the environmental protection is of considerable importance.


  • be of importance
  • play an important role


Building factories in our community brings disadvantages.


  • community/ neighberhood


  • factory building
  • building factories


  • bad
  • not good
  • inappropriate/improper
  • do harm/ do no good
  • bring disadvatages
  • bring negative influences


  • numerous
  • massive
  • a considerable number of
  • a considerable amount of


  • I think
  • I assume/argue/consider
  • In my opinion

东西: stuff

  • We have learned a considerable number of things from TV.


Because of the considerable difference in age,

The age gap is considerabl(大).



The team’s work efficiency will significantly improve if everybody tries his best.

The team’s work efficiency will considerably improve if everybody tries his best.


  • spare no effort
  • make every effort
  • put all one’s heart into
  • do one’s utmost
  • be fully devoted
  • heart and soul


  • increase
  • improve


The language environment(atomsphere)

to do sth = doing sth. = the doing of sth = sth. doing

外语学习= to learn foreign languages = learning foreign languages = the learning of foreign languages = foreign language learning

影响 influence vt./n. 及物动词/可数名词

F influences B negatively/positively/considerably.

An influence.

The language environment influences the learning of foreign languages considerably.

The influence of A on B is positive.

The influence of A on B is considerably positive.

A brings/has/exerts negative influence on B.

The language environment exerts considerable influence on foreign language learning.


亲人:relatives/ family member


wild animals

  • We should protect wild animals like protecting our family members.
  • We should protect wild animals as we protect our family members.


from TV, on TV, by watching TV.

好多: many/much/a lot of/ a great number of / a considerable number of

东西: stuff/things

We have learned a considerable number of useful stuff by watching TV.

By watching TV, we have learned a great number of useful stuff.


  • I feel, think, hold, claim, believe, deem, maintain, reckon, argue, assume that …
  • in my opinion
  • from my point of view
  • from my perspective/angle
  • A I see/ view / perceive the problem/ question / issue / case/ discussion/ argument/ controversy
  • My viewpoint/ belief/ opinion is that …


  • 用多种方法表达同一句意
  • 扩充句子;同位语,插入语,非谓语,从句,并列结构


  1. A is important to B.
  2. A plays an important part/role in B.
  3. A is of (great/amazing/enormous/considerable/remarkable) importance/significance to B
  4. B cannot live/develop/grow/survice without A.
  5. A means a lot/agreat deal/much to B.
  6. The importance of A to B can never be exaggerated/denied/ignored/doubted.
  7. A is essential/significant/crucial/viata/indispensable
  8. A is everything/the whole world to B
  9. A is fundamental/basic/elementary/rudimentary/underlying to B
  10. A matters/counts to B
  11. Nothing is more important to B
  12. Nothing is the mater of A to B
  13. A is to B what C is to D
  14. A is to B what the foundation is to a skyscraper/ water is to fish/ the heart is to a human


  • Education is of considerable importance to a country’s development.
  • Education plays a significant role in a country’s development.
  • Education is important to the development of a nation.
  • The importance of education to the development of a nation can never be exaggerated/denied/ignored/doubted.


  • 开头的变化(名词,不定时,介词词组,分词,从句,动名词,代词…)
  • 结尾的变化
  • 长短句的变化
  • 主被动(尽量用主动)

COVID also takes a more serious toll on(损害) the body than either colds or the flu.