Vocabulary: War and Peace
The outbreak(=start) of war
- conflict 冲突
- strife 冲突
- peaceful 和平的
- territory
- A invades B
- captures/takes control of
- retreat
- attack
- defend it(take action to protect it)
- admiral 海军军官
- aggression 侵略,侵犯
- ambush 埋伏,伏击
- armor 盗甲
- assault 攻击,袭击
- besiege 围困,困扰
- bombard 炮击,轰炸
- cannon 大炮
- captive 俘虏,囚徒
- cavalry 骑兵
- chariot 双轮战车
- colonel 陆军上校
- combat 战斗格斗
- conquest
- corps 组,团
- cruiser 巡洋舰
- fleet 舰队,车队
- fortify 防御工事,增强
- lieutenant 中尉
- marshal 元帅,高级将领
- martial 战争的,军事的
- massacre 大屠杀
- naval 海军的
- pistol 手枪
- raid 突袭
- rebellion 叛乱
- revolt 造反
- rifle 步枪
- sergeant 陆军中士
- shield 盾,保护
- suppress 镇压
- warrior 武士,战士,勇士
- siege 围攻包围
- trigger 扳机
- truce 休战
- veteran
- warfare 战争
- shield and spear 盾和矛
- siege 围城,攻城
- civilian toll 平民伤亡
- hostages 人质
- cease-fire deal 停火协议
- convicted felon 被判有罪的重罪犯
A war zone
- war zone
- allies
- aid
- troops
- supplies: food and other things that are needed every day
- firing of guns and explosives
- killed or wounded
- civilians(ordinary people who are not in the army)
Peace talks
- alive
- run out(food supplies)
- peace talks
- peace settlement
- ceasefire
- hijacking: taking control of a bus, train, ship or plane; the people on board become prisoners
- hostages: 人质
- bargain for something(demand something in exchange for the hostages)
- release the hostages