TOEFL 在测试做笔记的能力,因为大学课堂会用到。
TOEFL 重点是做笔记。不理解内容很正常,各种奇怪的topic都有,目的是记笔记,根据笔记来回答问题,不是测试你的背景专业知识。
- Stop trying to understand, Keep the pencil moving
- Pre-fabricate Note structure
- Wrong answers and traps are built around students using memory
If 后面是举例,超级重点。
- Recognize the shifts/transitions
- Use short hand. Use your own words/language takeing notes
- The questions and answers come in the order of the passage/notes!!!
- 边听边记,有结构,用简写,只记录content words(介词,形容词可以不记录)
- 记录关键词定义,理论,特征,原因。
- 记录学生和老师的态度
- 记录开头的讨论主题
特别注意转折部分: but/however/if。开头是主题,末尾也有一个题目。
记笔记会影响理解,本来可以懂的,笔记影响了理解。 主要精力放在听,文章大意,主要论点和论据。部分小细节。 主要的问题,教授语速快,然后记录了一些不重要的信息,耽误了时间,因此漏掉了重要的信息。 记录的过程应该是总结每一句话,一个态度,一个关键词。按段落大意总结。时间不允许你记录太多。
关键性提示词汇:But, However, So, Important, Exciting.
- 30 秒内回答一个问题(回答不出,果断选一个放弃,往前走)
- 16.5分钟回答28个问题
回答问题(不要依赖记忆(memory traps),看笔记!)
- Read the question
- Locate question location in sectioned notes
- Review info in that section and find matching answer
- patrons 1.捐钱者,支持者 2. 顾客
- compelling idea 令人信服的想法
- Mosaics 马赛克(镶嵌工艺)
- Ceramics 陶瓷
- Physiology of sensory organs 感觉器官的生理学
- Food foraging 觅食
- Astronomy and cosmology 天文学和宇宙学
- Particle physics 粒子物理学
- Seismology 地震学
- Optics 光学
- revolution 旋转一周,变革
- deceive 欺骗
- not necessarily 委婉否定,未必,不一定
- incorporate 包含,合并的(企业兼并)
- suite 套房
- produce 农产品
- content 满意的(重音在t)
- content 内容(重音c)
- floor plan 户型图,楼层平面图
- postulated = supposed = proposed 假定
- it’s anything but boring 不是,一点儿也不
- it’s nothing but a joke 只不过是
- on such short notice 如此仓促(知会的时间短)
- in person 亲自,当面
- personal 有人情味的, 个人的
- impersonal 没人情味的
- high-end 高端的,高级的
- drive this argument home 把什么说的很明白
- goofing off and talking 混日子,晃晃悠悠,消磨时间
- going down the drain 走向下坡路,前功尽弃,化为乌有
- start from scratch(起跑线) 从头开始
- comes down to the fact that … 归结为
- open shot 空岗(job openings)
- not necessarily 不一定,未必,委婉否定
- it’s at odds with … 和…不一致
- odds 赔率
- lesser-known 鲜为人知
- pros and cons 优点和缺点,权衡利弊
- in a different light 不同方面(工作、生活上)
- low key 低调 nothing flashy
- low key person 低调的人
- common denominators 公分母(共同点,共性)
- go to a lot of trouble 费尽心机,费尽苦力
- pull them from thin air 凭空捏造
- what I wouldn’t give 我真愿意付出一切跟你在一起
- Office Hours
- Service encounters 服务遭遇
- Students interaction
- Physical Science 自然科学(物理科学)、天文、地质、地理(宇宙/地球早期)
- Life Science 生命科学,生物(生物出现,物种演化,动植物)
- Social Science 社会科学(人类社会逐渐复杂,政治,经济,阶级)
- Arts 艺术(文化)
- 平行(对立,并列)
- 线性(1. 纯粹时间顺序;2. 过去,现在,未来)
- 问答(师生问答)
- 著名政治家(杰出美国总统)
- 作家和思想家
- 艺术领域代表人物(建筑、音乐、绘画、摄影、电影)
- 华盛顿(George Washington):”美国之父“,带领美国取得独立战争胜利,美国首任总统
- John Adams 美国第二任总统,积极参与起草独立宣言
- 罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt): 美国第26任总统,强调强权政治和对外扩张,世称“老虎总统”
- 富兰克林(Franklin D.Roosevelt): 第32任美国总统,连任四届,领导美国走出经济危机和二战
- 沃尔特*惠特曼(Walt Whitman)
- 马克*吐温(Mark Twain)
- 爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
- 海明威(Ernest Hemingway)
- 艾伦*坡(Edgar Allen Poe)
- Socrates 苏格拉底
- Plato 柏拉图
- Aristotle 亚里士多德(亚历山大的老师)
- D.W. Griffith: “美国电影之父”,美国著名导演,二十年代的默片时期。代表作品:The Birth of a Nation, Intolerance
- Mathew Brady 美国十九世纪著名的肖像摄影家(给总统拍肖像),南北战争中拍摄
- 韦伯斯特(Noah Webster) 词典学家,1828出版《美语词典》,美国人第一本完全属于自己的语音词典
**转折:**but, however, in fact …, although …, actually, while in reality
actually, in fact: 主要正向强调,也可反向
**因果:**because, cause, account for, trigger, lead to, the reason is , as a result, that’s why
**举例:**for example(instance), take ..(for instance), think of/about, if, like/say
if: 举例,引出例子
主旨句。for example, 例子。
同向比较: compare 比较/analogy 类比/the same with/ as … as/ like …/ resemble(像…, she resembles her father)
反向比较: contrast 鲜明对比/ instead of/ unlike/on the other hand
- on the one hand/ on another hand(第一第二)
- on the one hand/ on the other hand(第一,反向)
态度: interesting/magic/amazing/funny/exciting/ironic/fascinating/strange/controversial/ambitious/radical/debated
结论: conclude/conclusion
- 含义:really/only/again/key/unique/unusual/critical
- 指令: see/remember/keep in mind/look
- 顺序: now/ok(自然分层,回车)/another/also/in addition/ on the other hand
- 解释:mean/you know/in other words/ by definition/namely/ which is/ that is
- 语音重读
- 特殊语调
- 结巴(顺承,重启)出题
I was wondering/what I wanted to ask was/ today/ we’ll discuss/let’s focus on
- 实验目的
- 实验设计
- 实验分析(不出题)
- 实验结果
- Basic comprehension(Gist 主旨 question, Detail 细节 question)
- Pragmatic understanding(Purpose question, Attitude question)
- Connecting information(organization question, inference question)
Why does the professor discuss Clara Schumann? B
A. She influenced the design of the modern piano(未提及) B. She grew up in an environment that encouraged female musicians C. Her musical talents were inherited from her parents(低级,低层次insight) D. Her background and Robert Schumann’s background were similar(低级,低层次insight)
TPO 25-34
Plus she already ran the idea by the hotel manager, and he’s on board with it. 此外,她已经由酒店经理提出了这个想法,他也同意了。
第六题 态度题 idioms 习语和暗示
Professor: Composers, after all, had to earn a living and those who were employed in the services of a specific patron, well, I don’t have to spell it out for you, the likes and dislikes of that patron, this would’ve had an effect on what was being composed and performed.
What does the professor imply when he says this? I don’t have to spell it out for you(我不必为你解释清楚)
Answer: The students can easily guess what he means
根据approach定位,讲座最后教授说they seem to have gotten quite far with this approach,他们似乎走得很远,教授对这个方法是持积极态度。后面说It’s really strong work with a range of interesting consumer applications,really strong work也表达了积极态度,而a range of与flexibility对应。
well, they wear off. 嗯,它们的效果不能持久。
I’ve got a note from the dean approving the whole situation. 我从院长那里开了一张条子,来帮我一路开绿灯。(说的)
He thinks that the audience’s response to the piece was understandable. 可以理解的
well even if it’s successful, it still fails to address the ongoing problem, the root causes of the degradation, which really is paramount(首要的) to devising an effective solution.
So I don’t really take comfort in the successes they have had with transplantation.
citric industry 柠檬酸工业
Wetlands are areas of marshy, swampy land, areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of the soil for large part of the year.湿地是指沼泽地、沼泽地、水覆盖土壤的区域,或者一年中大部分时间都存在于土壤表面或附近。
But the other idea and this is the one that I personally subscribe to(赞同), is of the changes in the temperature pattern had been brought about by the loss of wetlands.
for some reason … (the professor doesn’t know why …)She wonders why mushrooms are not already used for cleaning up pollution.