Introduction to MongoDB Performance
- Introduction
- Indexes
- Index Operations
- CRUD Optimization
- Performance on Clusters
Hardware Considerations & Configurations Part 1
Tuning and Sizing are out-of-scope!
Rely on RAM:
Index Traversing
Write Operations
Query Engine
Storage Engine
Concurrency Model(non-blocking)
Rely on CPU:
- Page Compression
- Data Calculation
- Aggregation Framework Operations
- Map Reduce
Hardware Considerations & Configurations Part 2
- RAID 10
- RAID 5
CPU availability impacts the performance of MongoDB, especially if using the WiredTiger storage engine.
# Example for my local cluster running on port 27017
mongoimport --port 26000 --username m103-admin --password m103-pass --authenticationDatabase admin --db m201 --drop -c people people.json
mongoimport --port 26000 --username m103-admin --password m103-pass --authenticationDatabase admin --db m201 --drop -c restaurants restaurants.json
> use m201
> db.people.count({ "email" : {"$exists": 1} })